Chapter 1~

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     "GO TO YOUR ROOM BEFORE I BEAT YOU!!" Your dad yelled at you as you frightingly ran upstairs to your room.

It was always like this. You would come home from school to your mother a father fighting and you would sneak up to your room and try to avoid any physical contact that your mother or father might have instore for you.

     You had a sluty mother, an abusing father, a drunk uncle, and your bestest friend in the world:The AWESOME Gilbert.

     *Peck* *Peck* You heard the faint pecking of something on your window. you looked up from your tear stained pillow and at your window. there, you saw a frowning Prussian outside your window with his cute little chick pecking at the glass.

     You gave your Prussian friend a faint smile and opened the window, motioning for him to whisper so your parents wouldn't hear."Heyy~,(Y/N)~."He said, as he got slightly closer to your face. Your face went red and you would have glared at him if you wernt in such a sad, depressed mood. But you were slightly happy seeing your friend...And...Notice you are 16 and he is your 20 year old CRUSH.....Long story :I.....

     Gilbert knew how flustered you got when he teased you, so he took advantage of that. Although you got pretty used to him being so close to you, you still felt weird around him. whenever you would hold hands with him, or when you would even ly on his chest while you two watched a movie,(Don't get the wrong idea, your just friends :I.....*sigh*...poor you~! 3;)you felt like a hundred butterflies were having a rocking party inside your stomach.

     "Hey, Gily~."You said as you let out a sigh of releif. Gilbert quickly slipped through your window and ploped onto your bed. you giggled at how cute he was when he was lying on your bed. you almost melted at the thought of him lying in your bed without any-WAIT A MINUTE! What are you thinking?!...You NASTY~.(XD)

     You snapped back to reality, noticing that Gilbert saw you starring at him as he smirked at you."Whatcha' thinking about, Liebe~?" He said, hopping up off your bed and slowly walking towards you."S-Sorry, nothing..."You studdered, as you looked down.

     Gilbert stopped, 2 inches away from your face, whispering in your ear."How about you and me go to my place and play some video games? hm,(Y/N)?" You blushed at the feeling of his breath down your neck."...S-...S-Sure....." You finally said, blushing intensely. "Kesesesese~!" He laughed as he swepted you off your feet.

     You felt his strong arms holding you against his warm body.(HAHAHA, WHAT?! XD I can't write this without laughing my butt off!!!)"No turning back now~." He whispered into your ear, as he JUMPED out the window. You shut your eyes and barried your face in his chest, letting out a small squeal. He landed firmly on the ground laughing as he ran all the way to his house, with you still in his arms. You, Blushing intensely, burried  your face in his chest, trying to hide it.

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