Back to routine

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I was amazed to find that I didn't live as far away from Namjoon as I first thought. It took us around 10 minutes to reach my Hotel, granted I didn't pay much attention to the road as me and Hoseok exchanged stories. Turns out that similar to Namjoon, Hoseok was pretty chill.

Once we pulled up outside, I was glad that I would finally be able to return to my own bed. I turn and give Hoseok a tired smile.

Thanks for driving me home, I feel bad for not telling Namjoon how thankful I was for his help at such a late time.” Hoseok just waved me off.

Don't sweat it, I'll pass it on.” My smile widened at his kindness, these boys surely were the coolest celebrities I'd ever met. “You better head in, it's almost 4”

My face falls nervously as I realise how late, or rather, early it was. Thanking the brunette one last time I quickly exit the car. He returns the wave and offers me large smile before driving off.

The streets were silent, no cars or chatter to be heard. The only sign of life was the cold wind that bit at my exposed arms, causing a shiver to race down my spine. With one last breath of crisp early morning air I make my way into the hotel.

I was surprisingly thankful for the early timing as it appeared that it was time for shift change. The staff were too busy clocking in and out of reception work to notice me walk through the lobby to the elevator.

The elevator was surprisingly comforting, it was heated unlike the last elevator and was playing a little instrumental jingle. I waited patiently for my level while rocking back and forth on my heels.

When the doors finally opened I was met with the familiar hallway that my room was located on. Unfortunately it was also the same hallway that held Lucy’s room as well, meaning I had to sneak quietly past every door on my way down to my room.

I deciding that taking off my heels would be the best approach, I swiftly slipped them off my feet before scooping them off and softly sprinting to my room.

The seconds I was at my door, I opened it up before taking a running jump onto my bed. The springs groaned slightly and jumped for a brief moment as I wobbled on the bed. A sigh left my exhausted body before finally shutting my eyes and falling into a blissful sleep.


“Y/N…” I groaned and rolled over in my bed. “Y/N… wake up” I felt something tap my cheek a few times and I cracked open one eye to be met with a blurry mess, when I couldn't distinguish what it was I closed my eye again, hoping to fall straight back to sleep.

Turns out whatever it was really wanted me awake because as soon as my eye shut again I felt a hard smack on my cheek. My eyes shot open and I moved up on my bed slightly, still met with a blurry figure.

“Finally, Good Morning Y/N” An overly chipper voice racked through my throbbing head, causing a groan to slip through my lips. I knew from the voice that it was Lucy, but it didn't make the pain any better.

“What do you want?” My voice was low and grouchy from only just waking up, my guess was that I hadn't had nearly enough sleep.

“It's half nine, we need to start our da- Oh” She suddenly breaks off and begins to laugh, I shoot her blurry face a confused and annoyed look. “Did you not get changed when you came home last night?”

Looking down I noticed that I was still dressed in my black mesh dress, how unhygienic… Bringing my tired hand up to my face I cringed as I could feel the grease from last night's make up.

“I need to get cleaned up” I sigh and swing my legs round the side of the bed, rising to my feet I wobble slightly before regaining balance.

“By the looks of things, you had a fun night” She giggles slightly and I glare at her softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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