Chapter 5

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Dr. Ozpin was looking at an older man in his thirties who was in the Cyborg draft. The man was thirty five years old. He was 6.5% ratio which made Dr. Ozpin frown.

"Sir this will be the fifth Cyborg you sent home this just week."

Said his female assistant Glynda.

"I know but we need a young female. Females is where the disease tends to resonate the most and men are 45% less likely to get the disease where as women are 55% more likely to get the disease."

Muttered Dr. Ozpin.

"Sir that man has a son and his son could eat dinner tonight because this man was in the Cyborg draft."

Said the male assistant.

"Placebo him and send him home."

Said Dr. Ozpin.

"But sir-"

"Just send him home."

Dr. Ozpin interjected.

The male assistant sighed and did as Ozpin Asked. Then another female assistant brought in a young female on a stretcher with short, choppy, and curly black locks that looked burned at the ends, she had one amber eye. Her, scarred, burned and empty eyelid covered by her messy side bangs on the left side of her face.

Her face had a scar that sort of looked like it was the shape of an X and the other half of her body was badly burned. She had a Cyborg hand covered.

She was no longer wearing her black cargo pants and red tank top, and her hair wasn't in it's usual messy ponytail, but she was instead in a shapeless hospital gown.

The girl's metal Cyborg leg was exposed and her messy and burnt black, uneven locks framed her face and they were all over the place and looked in horrible shape.

"By the gods Doctor, she's hideous."

Said the male assistant.

"Not hideous. Very rough looking but not hideous."

Dr. Ozpin replied.

"I agree with Dr. Ozpin. She has potential to be pretty if it weren't for the burn scars but she will have a very impressive ratio."

Glynda remarked.

"You've got to be kidding me. Her hair looks like she cut it over the kitchen sink and she looks like she has a skin disease!"

Said the male assistant.

"She's a volunteer? We haven't had those in forever."

Said a young female assistant.

A smile appeared on Dr. Ozpin's face. He had a good feeling about this one. He read her information aloud to himself.

"Cinder Fall. Age: Sixteen. Race: Mistralian. Status Volunteered by her ward, Adriana ironwood."

Muttered Dr. Ozpin.

"You always perk up when the young teen Cyborg girls arrive."

Said Glynda.

"Yes but with this particular one, I have a very good feeling."

Dr. Ozpin replied with a small smile plastered on his face.

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