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Taehyung had made peace with his parents. Although they're still upset at the fact that their only son is gay. They don't want to lose him at the same time. Yoongi's parents did have a heart to heart talk with Taehyung's parents.

Letting them know, you can't change your child's sexuality. They were born that way. Telling them the steps they took to support Yoongi. Yoongi appreciated his parent for making things right for Taehyung and their relationship.

So Taehyung and Yoongi were hanging out on Yoongi's porch. Yoongi was reading some lyrics as he sat comfortably on Taehyung's lap. The younger slid his slim fingers through the older's black locks. He cursed himself for not coming out sooner. Yoongi and he could have been doing this months ago.

"I talked to that producer for you?" Yoongi turned his head as he looked at Taehyung. "What did he say?" He asked with curiosity. "He said we can head out to the company tomorrow at 5." Yoongi wasn't one to show his emotions that well. But his voice was caught in his throat.

He just turned his whole body around, still on Taehyung's lap as he wrapped his slim arms around the younger's neck. "You're welcome babe. I'd do anything to see you succeed." Taehyung said with a smile to the older's ear. Yoongi had to tell him now.


Yoongi pulled himself from the younger as he looked at him with sad eyes. Taehyung's smiled slowly fell as he looked at his eyes. "What's wrong? I thought you were happy?" "I am, I am so happy...." Yoongi bit his bottom. "But I have to tell you something?" Taehyung nodded his head. "I got an acceptance letter to this wonderful Performance Arts University and..." Taehyung slowly let go of Yoongi as he looked down avoiding his gaze. Yoongi didn't finish his sentence it was already too much for Taehyung to hear. "So you're just going to leave me...?" Taehyung looked back at Yoongi, there was a mixture of sadness and anger. Yoongi was about to respond.

"I came out of the closet for you! My parents look at me different now, I changed who I was for you! And you're just going to fucking leave me!" Taehyung was yelling plus he was using his satoori, he normally didn't speak it unless he was mad or either horny. Obviously the latter wasn't the case.

Yoongi grabbed Taehyung's hands. "I don't leave till next Sept-". Taehyung snatched his hands from Yoongi's hold. "Fuck you. Min Yoongi! Have a nice fucking life! He stomped off his porch down the road.

Yoongi was upset, he knew this would happen. Taehyung was sensitive when it came to rejection. He knew he'd get mad, but he didn't expect all of this. It's not like he'd never came back. He'd visit the weekends and holidays of course. The only one he'd want to hit now was Jin. Giving out pointless advice.

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