XV - scared.

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"you stupid asshole!" the girl yelled as she pushed at his shoulder, hitting his chest continuously. which probably wasn't the smartest idea, seeing as his other shoulder was still oozing the dark red liquid.

"stop hitting me, i've been shot!" namjoon yelled back at her, trying to grip her hands with the arm he could still move.

"keep your voice down," she hissed, fumbling with the the car keys as she locked the vehicle, pulling him towards the door to her apartment.

namjoon wanted to protest, tell her that she was yelling just as much as he was. but he knew arguing with her raging was of no use.

"i can't believe you'd put yourself in the way, are you stupid? i had him!" she spoke as she pushed the code into the door, unlocking it and pulling his heavy body along with her.

"you do realize that bullet would've been in your brain right now, right?" he scoffed, letting her lead the way into her house.

"you don't know that! i could've dodged it, and i could've easily gotten out of the way," she eyed him, her eyes full of an emotion he couldn't quite decipher.

but if he had to bet, he'd bet on concern.

"it's just a scratch, i'm sure," the man eyed the damp cloth covering his wound. the girl had been quick to improvise something out of the material of the bottom of his white shirt, leaving his stomach exposed to the coldness of the room.

"stubborn ass," she muttered more to herself than to him, but he heard her anyway. letting out a small chuckle, he winced again as she once again tugged on his arm towards her bedroom.

"go in there," she pointed towards the bathroom. "sit on the counter, and don't get blood anywhere or i swear i will kill you with my bare hands."

namjoon nodded slowly, not wanting to upset the girl any further. she was acting in a way that was almost scary to him, and the way he had seen her being so convincing at acting only added fuel to the fire.

she seemed okay, but he saw her trembling hands as they gripped the steering wheel, the way her foot sank on the accelerator and didn't leave it until they were parked in front of her place. she didn't even mind the mess they had left behind, she didn't even care to call for help. she had just sped her way out of there, because of a mere scratch on his shoulder.

her words were brutal, cold. she walked and talkes like there wasn't a single thing in the world that could hurt her, like she was invincible. but deep down, namjoon could tell she had a taste of death just a few moments ago. for the first time, things hadn't gone well for her.

and she was scared. her hands were still trembling as she reached for the first aid kit inside her closet, bringing it to the bathroom and laying it on the counter next to him.

"alright, remove your shirt," she put her hands on her hips, eyeing the man.

"well can't you just look at me with my shirt on... unless, you want it off for other motives, in which case i don't mind at-- ow!"

buttons flew everywhere as she quite literally ripped the clothing item from his body, throwing it in the trash. she didn't seem to pay him any mind as she took his hands away from the improvised cloth, taking it off of his wound.

"just a scratch, huh?" she quirked her eyebrow. "turn slightly, i want to see if the bullet went through and if there's an exit wound."

he did as he was told, for once not daring to step in her way. she made him bend forward slightly, inspecting his back with her delicate yet rough fingers.

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