4 Words and Paper Ball

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I woke up from my phone ringing. I picked it up and heard... Seulgi.

Seulgi:"Sorry if I woke you up, but get ready, I wanna talk to you." She said and I nodded and got dressed. I then was about to twist the doorknob but someone held my wrist.

Jungkook:"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes. Since when did he care?

You:"To heaven." I said and left the room, slamming the door behind me.


I arrived at Seulgi's room and knocked on the door. It was only 4:25 so we had 3 hours and 75 minutes. She opened the door and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the room.


Seulgi:"MinMin..." She said and I looked at her weirdly. Is she pregnant or something?

You:"You pregnant?" I said and she shook her head.

Seulgi:"Jimin... I don't know how to tell him..." She said and I looked at her.

You:"What happened?" I asked and she looked at me in horror.

Seulgi:"I-I'm scared MinMin." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

You:"TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!" I whispered yelled and she sighed before explaining it to me.

Seulgi:"Well, Taehyung harrassed me yesterday..." My blood boiled. That jerk!

You:"That son of an asshole! Well, he has one." I said and laughed as Seulgi laughed along with me. I then looked around her room and my eyes widen.

You:"You're roommates with Jimin?" I said and she nodded. I smirked as a dirty idea popped into my head.

You:"I bet you guys had... ya know..." She blushed.

Seulgi:"Shut up!" She said as she turned into a red tomato. Then the door opened revealing Jimin.

Jimin:"Hey babe, oh, wassup EunMin." He said and I smiled.

You:"Sup." I said and he sat on his bed, texting someone.


I was about to fall asleep in class until someone threw a paper ball at me. I swear I'll kill that person. I opened it and read it.

Don't fall asleep, nerd.

I rolled my eyes. I glared at him, he was only 10 seats away from me. He smirked and turned back around. I rolled my eyes and rose my hand.

Teach:"Yes EunMin?" She said.

You:"May I use the washroom?" She nodded and I left.


I arrived and washed my face. Why is he distracting me so much just by 4 words and a paper ball? I sighed and walked out to hit someone. I looked up to see Jungcock.

You:"Why're you here pig." I said and he scoffed.

Jungkook:"You're the pig, not me. Can't you see my abs?" He said about to lift his shirt but I slapped his arms away from his shirt. He smirked. I scoffed.

You:"So annoying, learn your manners." I said and tried to leave but he pushed me inside the women's washroom and...


A/n:"Haha, I'm so evil for the cliffhanger! What do you think Jungkook did to EunMin (You)? Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to vote or comment! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!"


-End Of Chapter 06-

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