Chapter 1

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  Please watch the video above by Sia - Chan on YouTube before reading this fanfic.

His running showed no sign of stopping and His clothes still stained with his past mistakes. Kim Taehyung was once an innocent young boy who loved running with his friends just because it was fun, not running alone trying to get away from his sins.
The half shattered, blood stained bottle had been dropped before he reached the train tracks, but he's not sure where and didn't dare to go back.
His feet felt like they would fall off but the adrenaline flowing through his veins wouldn't allow him to stop until his legs could physically not let him.
He eventually reached his limit and fell to his knees somewhere in the forest miles away from his house. Crawling over to a nearby tree attempting to catch his breath. The adrenaline in his veins faded away and the night sky filled with stars and a softly glowing moon was the last thing he saw before blacking out.

His eyes steadily opened staring at the pale blue sky painted with clouds. Admiring the sight, the memories of last night came flooding back. Soon realizing that his clothes where still painted with the traces of the sin, he glanced around him. He didn't know where he was, but he didn't panic knowing that he couldn't go back home.
     Examining the area around him, he saw a small stream of water flowing behind him. He pulled himself off of the ground, legs aching from running, and followed alongside the stream. After a few minutes of walking the small stream had turned into a beautiful river.
     He kneeled down to the water, revealing his face with a red smear and tear stains. Seeing this startled him in a way. He stared at the reflection in the water in disbelief. He then cupped the water with both hands and splashed it  onto his face, the water falling back into the river sent ripples through the river. He then pulled his shirt off of his body, cleaning it in the water. This didn't clean his shirt completely of the stain, but faded it a lot.
     After ringing the shirt as best as he could, he walked back into the forest, noticing an opening. Walking closer to the opening, he saw a group of 6 boys, one who had angelic white hair staring directly at him. The boy then looked at the others and put a finger up, motioning to be quiet. Taehyung knew how to walk quietly or disappear from sight at his house, but not in the forest.
     The boy walked closer to Taehyung, staring at him with curiosity. He stared back even more curious to know why his eyes where a glowing silver. Taehyung glanced at the others. Their eyes were a glowing white, not silver.
     "Seokjin, who's this?" A boy asked the person standing in front of you. He only responded by shaking his head. "Why are his eyes brown?" One of them asked but Taehyung didn't bother to see who. He was obviously as confused as the others where. "Who are you?" The person named seokjin asked, while looking at Taehyungs stained shirt. "I'm Taehyung." Seokjin only responded by looking into Taehyungs eyes with concern.
     Seokjin grabbed Taehyungs wrist and dragged him along a path with the others following close behind. Taehyung tried to move his hand away but failed. Looking back at the others, almost falling from how fast Seokjin was walking, their white eyes filled with concern and curiosity.

A/n: So on the videos description, there is a story but I had to twist it a little bit, and please don't forget to watch the video because it's amazing.

Angles//Demons (Inspired by Sia - Chan's au on YouTube)Where stories live. Discover now