Shower thoughts

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It was a normal day on the castle of lions. Everyone had just gotten out of an extra tough training session and was getting cleaned up for dinner. Pidge was rinsing off after showering when she remembered that she left her computer on in the lab. Come to think of it, she hadn't turned off any of her systems in weeks and just left them running. After some quick, panicked calculations it dawned on her that all the systems would crash very soon if she didn't power them down to give them a rest.

She couldn't loose all of her work! Her anxiety started to build up and the adrenaline kicked in as she booked it down the hall in her towel heading straight for the lab. Her foot squeaked as she ran still wet down the echoing hallway.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. She had to save all her progress. All of her calculations. Her projects. Battle strategies. Galra intel. It was all on her computer. If it crashed, all her time and effort would be gone forever! It would take time that the team didn't have to recover from the massive loss of stored information. She would be letting herself and her whole team down. "Not to mention Shiro." she thought in the back of her mind making her even more determined.

All these thoughts ran through her head as she rounded a sharp corner and saw the most beautiful sight: Shiro shirtless! Shiro had the most beautiful body with his perfect abs from days of hard training and his battle scars. Distracted, she slipped on her own trail of water. "Ahhh!" The small girl yelled as she was thrown forward and caught on both her arms by a pair of strong hands. She quickly pulled her towel up that had fallen lower exposing some cleavage.

"Woah! Are you okay?" said a concerned voice. Her eyes widened. "You really shouldn't be running like that. You could fall and hurt yourself-". "Oh no" was all that raced through Pidge's mind. There was only one voice that sounded like that. Kind, caring, and strong all mixed into one. The one voice she hoped not to hear and the one person she wished not to see her dripping wet in a towel. She slowly looked up to see a concerned, half-naked Shiro holding her up.

She turned a light shade of pink as she quickly looked down hoping he didn't notice. The green paladin suddenly spoke louder than she intended to, "I'm fine thank you so much for catching me I promise I'll be more careful next time I really gotta go now bye!" She rushed in one breath before taking off to her lab. "Uh okay.." was all Shiro could get out before she ran off.

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