Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV

"What?" I said, beginning to cry. "She got in a car accident." Said Violet. I felt corrupted on the inside. At that point I was crying a waterfall. She was too young and too beautiful to die. I silently prayed she wouldn't. "I'm so sorry." Said Violet. "I-It's not your fault..." I pushed out. I was able to tell Violet was frowning. I sighed as I cried. "I have to go see her." I said. "Bye Violet." I hung up, then got in my car and became driving to where she lived.

*Time skip 5 hours

I finally made it to the hospital she was at. I paced up to the lady at the front desk. "Hi, do you know which room Molly West is in?" I asked her. She nodded. "Why, yes I do!" She said cheerfully. She told me her room number. "Thanks." I said. "No problem!" I was surprised the woman was able to stay cheerful when people are probably dying upstairs as we speak. I went to the elevator and went to the floor she was on. 

I instantly went to her room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard a female voice say. I opened the door and saw a couple of doctors. "How is she?" I asked. The doctor looked up at me. "She's in a minor coma, but she shouldn't be asleep for long." She said. "So, she's gonna live?" I asked. The doctor nodded. "Probably. We're not so sure yet."  I sighed in relief, and sat next to her bed. "We'll leave you two alone for a little bit." Said the doctor. "Thanks." I said. All the doctors left the room.

I held Molly's hand and put it against my chest. "Don't worry." I said. "You're probably really scared right now. But I just want you to know that I will be with you through the whole thing, and, I love you with all of my heart." I kissed her hand, then began crying again. "Please don't go!"

Molly's POV

It was dark. Really dark. I had no idea where I was. I tried to cry for help, but no sound came out. I saw Jordan in the distance. I ran towards him, but when I reached him he faded away. I saw a bright light appear. As I walked towards it, it became bigger and brighter. Eventually all I could see was light. I heard a high pitched ringing sound. It eventually stopped, and all I could see was darkness. I tried to scream for help again, but there was still no sound. 

A light suddenly turned on. I saw Jordan on the ground in front of me, dead. I crawled over to him and began crying, but no tears came out of my eyes. I tried to touch his body, but my hand went right through him. It was as if he wasn't there... Or maybe I wasn't there.

I heard a voice in my head. "He's not dead." Said the voice. "You are." I was scared. Really scared. I didn't know what to do. I was lost.

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