Disney Dreams Aren't Reality

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                                                                Chapter 1: Introduce Me to You

The world for me, is a revolving sphere of complications. Every where you turn, there is constant conflicts to be resolved. The world also reminds me of diversity. People aren’t the same, some act like they run the world, some are suffering to feed their families, some have diseases. Then, there is me. Personally, my thoughts on planet Earth is that its terrible. It just reminds me of a dystopian society; where basically everything sucks. 

Dystopian matches Earth simply because everyone goes through the same life technically. You eat, sleep, wee, and work. That’s just about how simple and terrible our lives are. Yes, I sound like a pretty negative person right now; but its true. I am a very negative person. My story would explain it all. Maybe through Disney movies perhaps. Everything that has happened in my life manages to relate to something Disney. Not the crappy television shows they have on Disney Channel. But Disney movies. 

I was born in a rainy city that goes by the name of Mobile Alabama. To be exact it is the rainiest city of all 19,355 cities in the USA. On the day of January 14, 1998 a disaster was born. I say family connects together like a galaxy; all bunched closely together to make it through the tough times. I wasn’t part of that galaxy, I was the little star on the left outside the galaxy that nobody helped out. I helped myself out instead.

I’m the age of 15 almost 16. Being born with a learning disability called dyslexia, didn’t help out all that much. I was always forced to miss recess because of this. I had to stay inside and read instead. What people didn’t understand is that I already know all of this, just I can’t process it out on paper. I can say it just not process it out onto paper. Normally, this doesn’t occur to people. 

Marriage Equality somewhat runs in my family. By somewhat I mean it definitely runs in my family. Studies show that having two of the same gender parents doesn’t result in the child having homosexual feelings to others. Well, that happened to me, yes, I’m a Lesbian, tell it to the world, or my galaxy that I’m not apart of. 

My name is Daniella, some call me ‘the miracle’ since it is a meaning of my name. Well, get this with all the miracles I see around me, I can spot out easily that I’m not one of the so called ‘miracles’; only idiots call me that. 

Lets get this all right and cleared while we can shall we? Okay, I’m dead. Seems like something strange to say, but I made this my whole life before I decided to leave. Crazy for someone with a major learning disability to write something so complicated most non-sensible people would say. Like I pointed out, I know everything there is to know, I just can’t process it on paper. Well, here I am. 

My thoughts of this whole dying this is that death is for the people who aren’t amused enough of living on the second floor, and who want to explore down stairs or up stairs. Depending on their own personal muse. I don’t know if I’m up stairs or down stairs because I’m writing this before I died. Death is death, your dead, your dead. That’s how the game must be played. 

The people in my life were significant to me, well depends on who you are in my life. My life is compared to Disney movies as I saw it. What film you are and what character you and I are, it all depends. 

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