Chapter 31: Shhh!

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Quick note: My computer hasn't been fixed yet so I'm not sure how often I'll be updating until it is. I apologize for all the problems causing me to be a little spacey with updates! Thanks for reading I hope you continue! 


Zayn's POV


The first thing I read in the morning after I wake up is a text from Dylan saying that his car broke down and he needs a ride. I groan and roll out of the warmth of my bed. I put on my usual black jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket before grumbling out the door and ignoring the smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. 

I wait outside of Dylan's house for 10 minutes. I sent at least a dozen texts to him telling him to hurry up before I watch his scrawny legs climb into my car. 

"Christ Dylan what the hell took you so long?" I ask and speed away. 

"I couldn't find my shoes." Dylan tells me. I look down at his beaten up tennis shoes. He's had the same pair for at least three years. They used to be a crisp white but the color is now replaced with a musty gray. "So, how was your Wednesday?" he adds. 

"It was fine." I shrug my shoulders and the memory of Cora eating dinner with my family replays in my mind. 

Dylan won't take his eyes off his phone for most of the ride. I turn the radio up a bit louder since it seems like he has no intention of talking. A few moments later I notice Dylan's hand reach for the dial and he turns the volume down a bit. 

"Are you going to Louis'?" He asks, finally lifting his head from his phone. 

"Louis'?" I don't really know what he's referring to but from the sound of his voice I have a feeling I should. 

"You know, his Halloween party?" Dylan tells me like it should ring a bell. I faintly recall Louis asking me last week but I never gave him a real answer. 

"Oh, that." I keep my eyes glued to the road. I don't really know if I want to go to this party. I've been avoiding Cole as much as I can since my date with Cora. He still thinks I'm into Marissa and if she goes to the party and Cole is there too, I'm sure he'd try to set us up some how. 

"Cole wants to know if you're going and if you can supply some alcohol." Dylan adds. 

"I don't know if I'm going, can I let him know?" I answer truthfully. I know I can't avoid Cole forever but at least for a few more hours. 

"Yeah, but I'd do it sooner than later. He's been in a terrible mood all week so don't do anything to make him even more moodier." Dylan warns me. 

"Why is that? Still can't get in Serena's pants?" I joke and Dylan laughs along with me. 

"Well yeah, but that's not what's caused it this time. Words been getting around that one of his friends hooked up with his sister." Dylan tells me. I tighten my grip around the wheel of my car. "You're not going to tell him it was me right?" Dylan looks at me. 

Images of Cora and Dylan's lips locking at that Sophmore's party replay in my mind. If only Dylan knew he wasn't the only friend of Cole's to get with his sister. If I am a friend of Cole's that is. I can't help but think that the rumor, well not exactly rumor, is about me and not Dylan. I know Cora and I have been careful but it isn't impossible that word spread around. 

"You won't, right?" Dylan asks again. I take my eyes off the road for a split second to look him in the eye. 

"I wont, I promise." I say to him. My stomach turns at the thought of someone knowing about Cora and I. But then again maybe the rumor really is about Dylan and not me. The chances of someone else noticing Dylan and Cora at that party are much higher than someone finding out about Cora and I instead. 

The Art of Seduction - Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now