All Just Fun and Games Till Someone Gets Hurt

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~3 Years Ago (Y/n's POV)~

"Dang it school... So much homework!" I yelled out. An exasperated sigh trailed out of my mouth. A big weight was on my shoulders- NO! This is not gonna be a sappy quote or something like that. NO! The thousands of books, crammed into my poor little F/c backpack, felt like rocks and bricks on my back! Not helping how I have to walk home. Every. Single. Fruking (*cough* Hetalia*cough*). Day. My uniform swished around as my legs tried to carry my aching self back home. My eyes traveled along the streets, looking at several mansions and carriages passing by. The sight of my middle-classed home was in front of me. Sounds of yelling, screaming and even the breaking of ceramics and glass was as clear as it could be. Typical.

Another sigh left my mouth as I unlocked the huge wooden doors, into my hell based place I restrain myself to say, Home. The sounds of yelling got louder, and louder as I got deeper into the home. I slowly crept into my little room, making sure I don't get caught. Turning around, I saw the familiar sight of my average sized bedroom. F/c walls, 2nd/F/C bed covers, a night stand, and a dresser drawer with a picture of my family. No, it's not the one that's yelling their asses off in the kitchen. It's my real family. A tears stung my eyes as I walked towards the picture. The wooden floors made a loud squeak and the house went silent. My heartbeat quickened and panic hit me like a bullet. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I stand there, paralyzed. Echoing through the halls, the sound of footsteps came towards the door.


Went the wooden door, knocked out of it's weak, brass sockets. "Y/n!!!" My red faced father boomed. I slowly turned towards the broken door, my face emotionless. "Thank you for breaking down the only lock that keeps my privacy" I hissed, my face not changing. "Oh, wow! Lookie here, little Y/n is whining about her privacy. Well, you don't deserve it! You are just a little pain in the ass!!!" He retorted. Anger bit me whole. My face as red as a tomato and my knuckles, white. I came running at my father as fast as lightning, but stopped because of a weird pain in my back, chest, and head. "Augh!!! Jesus Christ!!!" I screamed, falling to my knees. Searing pain traveled throughout my body. Panting heavily, my lips moved without my control. "Dæmonium daemon, quod sum. Occidere, occide, si potes. Igneo morte morieris, per me, animæ." Another voice inside me chanted as I was lifted up. The voice sounded like a shriek, calling for help. A weird feeling struck my back and eyes. The last thing that happened was a very loud screech that came from my mouth. But right after that, I came tumbling down and landed on my face. Another pain. A grimace made it's way to my face.

I faced my father to see him with his shocked face. It looked as if he had been shot. I walked to the mirror to see a new version of me. Dark wings, blood red eyes and a mark on my chest. My eyes widened as I noticed the mark. "Pentagram..." I squeaked. I once again turned to my father, now on the ground. He looked back at me with ears in his eyes and fear making his body shiver. "L-Leave m-my h-o-house-h-hold! D-demon!!!" He stuttered loudly. A little smile curled my lips and a giggle escaped. More giggles escaped forced it's way and turned into a maniacal laugh. "Ah! I find this amusing! You thought you were 'king of the rock' where you were beating my ass every fucking day! But now, you're just a little chicken in a slaughter house! Ha!" I teased, the remaining red parts of my uniform turned dark. My hands traveled up and I bent my elbows and made the shape of wings with my arms. Only three sounds were heard after that. The flapping of wings and the shattering of glass. What was the last sound you say?


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