Part 7

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Jung Kook was looking for Areum after school ended. He wants to find her at lunch, but he has to go somewhere. Tae Hyung and Jung Kook went to Areum's usual hide place. Jung Kook knows where it is because he always saw Areum in there whenever she feels sad or don't have a good mood.

"Are you sure she at there?" Tae Hyung asks while both of them walk there.

"Trust me, hyung. I know her there. Come on." Jung Kook said. They try to not make any noise because Areum always ended sleep whenever she is not in a good mood.

"See I told- Wait- She with whom?" Jung Kook asks. Tae Hyung look carefully and he gasped as recognised the guy. Jung Kook and Tae Hyung look at each other and smile.

"Are we going to let them alone?" Jung Kook asks.

"Let them be. Just text him to take her home later. Let's go." Tae Hyung said and left the couple.

"I don't know Jimin hyung very fast. What he was thinking?" Jung Kook asks himself, but Tae Hyung hears him.

"He is broken and needs someone beside him. But, I never expect this will happen."

"You know hyung, this morning when Areum and I got punishment to clean the court, we went to the janitor to put the equipment there then we hear the girls gossiping. They talk bad about Areum. They called her something bad. And Jimin hyung came clear up everything, then Haneul came after that. She...Don't like her being friends with us.

I don't know why. Areum walks away after that. I went to the classroom and was mad at Haneul. She says we are just friends with Areum just want to play her around. That time, Areum came and hears everything. I try to explain, but she runs again." Jung Kook explains everything while walking out of the school building.

"Hmm... I don't know what else to do. If Areum belief what Haneul says, she might hate us. But, we sincerely friend with her." Tae Hyung adds.

"Maybe we should not approach her in the first place." Tae Hyung sighs.

"But either we did or not, I always teased her." Jung Kook grins to Tae Hyung.

"Why are you always teasing her?"

"She looks cute when annoying. Seriously, just try it once. You will see how is she looks like." Jung Kook giggles.

"Did you just teach me to look naughty? Ayee... This kid. Anyway, we should take their moment at that time." Tae Hyung said as he realised he not taking any picture of Jimin and Areum to tease him later. They both went the opposite way as their way home.


Jimin feels so tired and his arm was cramped by something. When he opens his eye, he saw Areum was sleeping on his arm. He turns to face her. Her sleeping face makes him smile.

"You look beautiful when sleeping." He whispers. His other hand moves to her face. Caress her chubby cheek, then tug her hair behind her ear. His fingertip slowly caresses her nose. Then he saw a tear in her eye.

"Ha... Neul." She mumbled. Jimin wipes her tear away.

"You must have bad dreams." He said slowly and move closer to hug her, but then he realised something. He takes a look at his phone and...

"Oh My God! It's already five." He said and noticed he got one message from Tae Hyung.

'Hey, Chim. We're going home. If you meet or bump with Areum, please send her home. She is not home yet.' It's said. Jimin glances at Areum.

"Areum." He taps her cheek.

"Ummm... Five minutes please..." She mumbled in sleep. Jimin chuckles seeing her cuteness.

"I'll kiss you if you don't wake up." He teases.

Papaa... Let me sleep." She said and hug him thought that Jimin is her father. Jimin was surprised by her sudden moves. Areum eyes wide open when realised that the scent is different from her father's cologne. She quickly moves away from the person.

"Urmm... Let's go home." Jimin said as he gets up. Not want to makeit awkward, he just keeps silent.

"Ye-yeah." Areum said, then she noticed Jimin was stretching his arm.
"Sorry for that." She said shyly.

"It's okay. I never know my arm is a good pillow for you." He chuckles and makes Areum feel guilty.

"It must hurt, right?" Jimin looks at Areum.

"No. I'm fine. It's a pillow for everyone." He said then realised what he just said.
"No no no. It's not like what you think. It just... My little sis. She always sleeps on my arm." He explains scratching his neck.

"I don't say anything. Again... I'm sorry." Areum said.

She didn't know how to talk with Haneul later. Haneul does not like before. She is different. The popularity was blinded her.

Areum did not realise she was walking a bit far from the bus stand. While Jimin forgot that he came in a car. He has forgotten everything as he was next to Areum.

"Oh My... Areum. Can you wait here? I forgot something. Don't. Go. Anywhere." He said to make sure Areum didn't go home yet.

"O... Kay?" She just listened. Jimin quickly runs back to the school. He was lucky the security guard was still there.

"What are you doing here? School is ended." The security guard asked.

"I forgot my car." He answered.

"I thought it belongs to some teacher." He said. Jimin went to his car and drive to Areum.

"Hey, get in." Jimin said to Areum as he rolled down the window. Areum looked at Jimin.

"Did you just forget your car, sunbae?" She asks while opening the door and getting inside.

"Y-yeah. Are you hungry? Let go somewhere to eat. I don't even have lunch today." He admits.

"Sound's good. I'm really hungry. Let's go to the night market. There are more delicious foods. I don't feel to go home yet." Areum claimed. Jimin just follows what she just said. He also doesn't feel the same.

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