Chapter 15: We're In This Together

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Cassedy's POV

"No," I rasped, the anger bubbling inside me. "Never."

Like all those cliché heroic parts when the protagonist is close to death and saves themselves, that's what I did. I let out all my fury. First a punch in the jaw, next a stomp on the foot, then a knee in the stomach, and finally, a smash on the head with a fallen branch.

"Take that!" I cried.

The psycho man (I decided to call him that) held his head with one hand. He looked at me through his mask, his eyes watered with agony. I knelt down in front of him with a smug smile on my face.

"I wonder who's hiding under here?" With one finger, I gently lifted the bottom of the mask, immediately my hand was knocked away. "Hey!"

Psycho man got to his feet just as quickly as he had fallen. We switched places, I was on the ground and he was keeling before me. Not the "bow down to your queen" kind of kneel though, more like an "I'm gonna murder" you kind of kneel. Or perhaps I should use that to describe his cold eyes.

I could imagine the sneer he was hiding behind that mask as he spoke. "You think you can beat me, you think this will be the end. Well you're wrong." he raised his fists and they were the last thing I remembered seeing before I was knocked out cold.


"Yo, Cassedy."

I groaned, my head throbbed so hard I thought my heart was in my skull. It felt as if my brain were pumping blood like a heart. I looked down to find myself in the same position as my friends. Lying down useless, binded by ropes. Damn these are tight. How does he do it? I struggled as I tried to free myself, which, obviously, did not work.

"You awake Cass?" I knew who the voice belonged to. Suzie. I turned my head but could only see Justin and Logan. I turned my head so I was looking over my shoulder, and let me tell you, it was extremely difficult. Suzie smiled weakly. Her face was pale and beaded with sweat. I frowned with concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just hungry, that's all. How's your head?"

I winced when she said the word "head". She noticed my grimace and frowned.

"Um, guys. I know it's nice that you too are making sure you're both alright, but unless you haven't noticed, we're all stuck with no one to free us. The only person is that kidnapper dude." stated Justin.

Kidnapper dude, I like it.

"Well what should we do then?" Marianne questioned.

I noticed Logan in his hammock, his eyes were glazed over. I guessed that he was staring into space and thinking about something. Suddenly, he jolted in his hammock.

"I know!" he yelped.

Justin arched an eyebrow. "You do...?"

"This is going to sound stupid, but trust me." he smiled, "We can just flip ourselves off the hammocks, squirm around on the ground and untie each other."

Everyone stayed silent. I pressed my lips together. "Well, uh, even if we do manage to reach each other, these knots are tight. Like, tight."

Logan sighed, "Right. I can't even feel my wrists anymore."

Suzie moaned, "Guys, I really don't feel too well."

I saw Marianne, her face was full of concern. "Suzie, just hold on. We'll figure out a plan." her eyes darted towards the trees. That's when I remembered where kidnapper dude had ambushed us.

My eyes danced across the trees, scanning for any sign of a living human. Nothing. I knew I couldn't let the darkness trick me. I was sure there was someone in the trees, there had to be. He wouldn't just let us lie here. After all, we're still pretty smart. And we were going to use those smarts to come up with a plan. A real plan.

A/N: Hello fellow readers. I am the author of this fabulous story *hair flip*! Just kidding. I mean, I am the author, but I wouldn't call this story fabulous. Anywho, I decided to screw taking a break because of vacation. I can still type and publish, so why not? This is it for now. I think I might publish another chapter sometime next week or the week after. Thanks for being patient. Keep on readin'! By the way, sorry if some words aren't used correctly, I'm typing with my iPad and, well . . . One word: autocorrect. :/

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