CHAPTER TWO: What happened?!

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  Tsuna and Chrome toured around the huge mansion when they bumped unto Spanner and Shoichi.

  "Ah sorry!" Shoichi apologizes looking for his glasses that fell

  Tsuna picked it up and gave it to Shoichi with a smile as Spanner's eyes widen in surprise.

  "Thanks." Shoichi says as he put on his glasses then stared at Tsuna in shock

  "Vongola?" Spanner questions as Tsuna tilted his head to the side

  "Tsuna?" Shoichi stutters

  "Do I know you, brother?" Tsuna asks

  "Has anyone seen Tsu-kun?" Kyoko asks appearing with Haru, Hana and Nana

  "Tsu-kun's here, sister!"

  Kyoko, Haru, Hana and Nana stared at the child Tsuna before squealing except for Hana. Bianchi then appeared with her poison cooking with Fuuta and I-pin following.

  "Mama?" Tsuna questions

  "Yes, Tsu-kun?" Nana asks eyes twinkling

  "Where's pa-"

  The door suddenly opened revealing Iemitsu and Basil.

  "Tuna-fish!~" Iemitsu yells as Tsuna blinked

  "Papa?" He asks as Iemitsu froze looking at a 4 year old Tsuna

  "Tuna-fish?" Iemitsu questions

  "Sawada-dono?" Basil also questions

  The door again opened revealing the Arcobaleno in their adult form, the Varia, the Cavallone boss, the Simon boss and the Gesso boss.

  "VOI!!" Squalo yells

  "Tsu-chan~" Byakuran calls out

  "Yes?" Tsuna appears before the guests with a confused face

  The newly arrived guests stared at Tsuna in shock.

  "What happened?!" Dino exclaims pointing at Tsuna

  By now, Reborn's killing intent leaked out and one name came out his mouth.


  Upon saying that name, Giannini magically appeared screaming his head off. A pissed off Hayato hot on his trail. Now that you look at it, Giannini has several scratches here and there and a few bumps on his head. He ran unto Reborn unfortunately. Luck hates him more than Tsuna. Well, everyone let us pray for Giannini's safety as he have a one way ticket to Reborn's fury.

  "Reborn-san..." Giannini stutters out

  "Giannini, how long will this last?" Reborn asks surprisingly calm but you could see his hand itching for his pistol

  "A month?" He answers

  "Was that a question?" Reborn threatens

  "No..." Giannini squeaks

  "Umm, excuse me but Tsu-kun wants to know everyone because Tsu-kun doesn't know any of you. Only mama, papa, Hayato-nii, Chrome-nee, Lambo-nii, Kyoya-nii, Mukuro-nii, Takeshi-nii and Ryohei-nii." Tsuna interrupts

  Everyone once again stared at him. The girls sans Hana and Bianchi awed at his cuteness. Byakuran and Dino want to hug him so badly. Reborn tilted his fedora.

~After their introductions and Giannini's explanation though Tsuna didn't memorize them all, since well they're a lot~

  "Um, why is Tsu-kun here with papa and mama?" Tsuna asks

  "Tsu-kun, we're here for vacation, okay?" Nana answers crouching at Tsuna's eye level as he nodded and smiled brightly

  "So, who's gonna babysit him?" Lambo asks

  "Let's have a draw lot." Yuni suggests as everyone agreed

  Everyone wrote their name in a strip of paper and folded them then put it in a bowl.

  "Tsuna, go pick a paper from the bowl." Takeshi smiles as Tsuna nodded

  Tsuna reached in the bowl and picked a paper strip. He gave it to Hayato who read it.


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