Chapter 6: Before Battle of Hellawes

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The lizard creature got on one knee panting. It was over, he knew he lost. After what he did, these people will definitely kill him or capture him sending him back to the exorcists, and they will be the ones to execute him. He could imagine his former guild mates snickering as he gets killed for a crime he didn't commit. The lizard glared at his opponents.

They still haven't lowered their guard they were prepared in case he tries a surprise attack.

"I won't die yet! Not until I have revenge!"

"Revenge?" a word Velvet was so familiar with.

"The bastards at the guild who tried to kill me! They want me to take the fall for their smuggling operation!"

"Wait what?!" Ruby exclaimed shocked as she suddenly got upset. "So that's it...I can't believe we were stupid enough to fall for their lies."

"Are you saying the whole guild was involved?" The therion said shocked as well.

"Of course! Hahaha! You think a second-rate sailor like me could pull off all that mischief by myself?! I mean sure, I was in on it. Helping them wasn't without its benefits."

"He has a point. It would take more than one person to dig that tunnel into the warehouse." said Rokurou.

"Those idiots, bunch of liars." Weiss replied.

"Problem is, our extra-legal activities were a little TOO successful. The Abbey was bound to notice us at some point."

"And dead men tell no tales...So they blame it on you. And kill you to cover it all up. Looks like it's not going quite how they planned." followed the daemon swordsman.

"I know where this is going." Weiss shook her head. "They tried to kill you, but they failed. That's when you became a daemon. When they found out you were alive they decided to put the blame on you. It will make perfect sense, blame it all on the evil daemon. The Abbey will obviously believed the testimony of humans over one from a daemon. No wonder they didn't hesitate to throw you out the window."

"You got it all correct. I became the perfect scapegoat to fix all their broken dishes."

"How do you intend to get this revenge of yours?" Velvet asked, sounding a bit interested.

"A raid on Hellawes. I'll kill the lot of them, this I swear!" replied the lizard daemon.

"That would be suicide. Do you have any idea how many exorcists are around?" asked the black haired daemon woman.

"That's not all. But your raid will get a lot of people involved not just the exorcists. I understand you're angry with the guild for what they did to you but that doesn't give you the right to hurt anyone. A lot of innocent people might get hurt or worse. People that have nothing to do with the guild and their smuggling operation. I'm won't let you go through with that." Ruby replied which made it clear to the lizard daemon.

"Okay, that's true. You're right but it won't change anything. They'll hunt me down no matter what I do! I just want the guild to pay for what they did to me." Dyle gave a sigh turning around. "That's all I wanted...But I guess...Even that's not gonna work out...."

Ruby also gave a sigh. They were in quite a dilemma. Sure, Dyle might have killed people but he had his reasons. The lizard daemon wasn't completely guilty, everyone from the guild was. If he was still with the Abbey the right thing to do will be to kill the daemon and arrest the guild for their crime. But they were putting the blame on only one person and that was simply because he was no longer human. The evil daemon has to be executed.

No one would argue with that logic because daemons were usually evil. They were the enemies of mankind and the sole purpose of the Abbey is to hunt them down, no exceptions. But now that she was just a citizen, she had no idea what to do. The rose Huntress was interrupted from her thoughts when she saw Velvet unsheathing her gauntlet blade. Her eyes widened thinking the therion was going to kill Dyle when she has suddenly cut the tail of the lizard daemon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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