Freshman Duos: Seirin VS Karasuno!!

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"Ha... you... you owe me... three plates... of pork curry..." Kageyama panted. "The kind... with the egg on top..."

"D... damn it..." Hinata groaned, catching his breath with his hands on his knees.

Thanks to Suga checking the location of the nearest Maji Burger with his phone before Kageyama and Hinata could get lost again, they'd managed to arrive with ten minutes to spare.

The restaurant was surprisingly full during brunch period. Suga gestured in the direction of the booths. "Find us some seats; I'll order for us to save time. Three double cheeseburgers for Hinata and the chicken set for Kageyama, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You've got to pay me back later, mind you!" Suga shouted as the two rushed towards the sitting area, probably competing over who could find seats the fastest.

"Ha, there's an empty booth over there! I spotted it first! I win!" Hinata pointed at four seats by the window, beaming triumphantly.

"Damn it." Kageyama stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked in the direction of the booth.

They settled down next to each other on the couch on one side as they waited for their senpai's return. "God, I'm so hungry..."

"Let's talk about something else to get our minds off the hunger," Kageyama suggested. "Do you feel up to using our quick against Fukurodani?"

"Eh? Of course I feel up to it! Just saying though, shutting Bokuto-san down would be the true problem..."

"Um, excuse me... those seats are taken."

"Huh?" The Karasuno duo blinked. A blank-faced bluenette suddenly appeared in the seat across from theirs.

"G-g-ghost! There's a ghost in front of me!" Kageyama and Hinata screamed in unison.

"I'm not a ghost." Seirin's phantom, Kuroko Tetsuya, stated calmly. He did get that a lot, after all.

"See? I told you we shouldn't have left Kuroko to save our seats for us."

Seirin basketball club's captain, Hyuuga Junpei, appeared behind Kuroko with a tray of food. Balancing it on one hand, the bespectacled sophomore smacked the back of Kagami Taiga's head.

"Ouch! But Captain, he only orders a vanilla milkshake every time! And it's meaningless to have him line up and get food, since the guy at the counter ignores him all the time!" The redheaded ace retorted, creasing his split eyebrows.

"Just let it go, Hyuuga-kun. I think Koganei-kun and Mitobe-kun found a bigger booth; we'll just sit there instead." Aida Riko, Seirin's second-year coach, turned on her heel in another direction.

"Uh, wait! You guys... know this ghost over here?" Kageyama stabbed his finger at Kuroko.

"I'm not a ghost," Kuroko repeated, feeling slightly annoyed despite his expressionless face.

"They're the twenty-ninth and thirtieth strangers you've scared today, Kuroko," Kagami recorded.

"Wow, you counted properly for once, Bakagami-kun. That's impressive, considering the fact that you got a single-digit score on your math paper."

"What did you just say?!" Kagami snarled, grabbing Kuroko's head in his large palm.

"It was a compliment, Kagami-kun. Please let go."

"How are you guys talking to this ghost so casually?!" Hinata asked incredulously.

"Like I said, I'm not a ghost," Kuroko stared at Hinata.

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