Chapter 3:Score!

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12 minutes later

The bell rang for third period

"Hey meet me second break on the field, so I can introduce you to coach." Says Madison"Sure" replies Amber.

2 hours later

Amber runs to the soccer field, "hey Madison!" Amber receives a hug from Madison, "I already talk to couch" Miss Baker (coach) shakes Amber's hand,"Nice to meet you Amber, Madison beens talking all about you welcome to the team." Amber though to herself, "what really? I just came here ,today must be my lucky day." Amber said to Miss Baker, "Thank you,what number am I"
Miss Baker replied "Number 10"

Miss baker introduces the soccer team to Amber.

"This is Amy"

"This is Kouthaar"

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"This is Kouthaar"

"Also our team Captain, Stacey"

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"Also our team Captain, Stacey"

"Also our team Captain, Stacey"

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"Our goalkeeper Hannah"

"Also Hannah's sister, Harmony

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"Also Hannah's sister, Harmony

"Molly and Cassidy, I don't know why they enjoy wearing short shorts"

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"Molly and Cassidy, I don't know why they enjoy wearing short shorts"

"Molly and Cassidy, I don't know why they enjoy wearing short shorts"

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"I don't have favourites Malony is my favourite"

"I don't have favourites Malony is my favourite"

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"Also Lucy"

"And you already know Madison"

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"And you already know Madison"

"And of course yourself, here's your uniform" Miss baker hands Amber her uniform

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"And of course yourself, here's your uniform" Miss baker hands Amber her uniform.

The bell rings for last period,"Ok everyone see you tomorrow" says Miss baker , Lucy says "Wait Miss Baker tomorrow isn't school" "Oh yes thank you Lucy, see you all Monday!"

After last period

Amber exits her school bus and run home, to tell her parents that she's in the soccer team. But when she enters the house she hears her mother shouting and her father throwing things of the floor, they arguing and cussing, Amber walks slowly up the stairs to her room and cries on her pillow and covers her ears with the blanket.

After a few minutes the argument stopped, she heard a dad slam the door, She ran down stairs and saw her mother crying in the living room, she came up to her mother and gave her mother a hug and they cried together.

Amber told her mother that she made the soccer team, her mother was proud.

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