16:Reaper of Souls

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All eleven of us were teleported back to the hideout. We were in a small office made of bamboo- the same one I saw on my first day.

The assassination goddess sat in front of us, while we stood up.

"Let's take this outside, shall we?"

The Goddess drew a black sword.

"One of you punks are gonna die"

She levetated  me, and I formed a sword of air.

She released me. Now Sasha was being levetated.

She was abousolutly terrified. Her face was fixed in horror.

She was being pulled forwards the goddess. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe.

Time seemed to move in slow motion. "Phoenix" She said. Suddenly, a burst of flame shot foreword.

Sasha had protected me from a speeding dagger. I hit her in the gut.

"Phoenix, I will always protect you..."

Sasha Flashback

One month ago....

I was carrying a sword, staring at Phoenix, who was attacking a dummy.

I wanted to ask him something... To be more than friends...

He walked over to her." Hey" he said coolly.

"Phoenix, watch out!"

A spear was heading towards him, coming from one of the nearby neighbors.

She set it aflame.

Her setting changed again.

She returned to reality, accepting her impending death.

Phoenix P.O.V

"No matter what I will always protect you. Through thick and thin. I have always loved you"

I was shocked.

So that was why.

The goddess delivered the final blow. She raised her sword, and brought it down, and that was the last thing she saw was a flicker of the goddesses blade.

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