Chapter three

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I wake up while it's still dark out, at first I was confused on my whereabouts but remembered I'm helping Captain America find Bucky. I get up and stretch and walk to the bathroom, got undressed and showered. I step out of the bathroom towel wrapped around my body. Placed on my bed are fresh clothes, well mission clothes. I hold them up in front of me, taking in the details, whoever placed them here gave me an all black two piece outfit. I slip on the black cargo pants knee pads built in, the top was loose with a reinforced chest and built in elbow pads. I slip on the weapon harness and look in the mirror, looking over myself, I grab the throwing knives off the bed and insert the spares into the harness and go to hang up my towel, spinning one of the knives in my hand. I arrive back in my bedroom and the door slams open suddenly, without thinking I fling the knife at the person which he ducked, the knife made a thunk as it wedged itself into the wall.
"Oh my shit I'm sorry" I apologise noticing that the person was actually Tony not an intruder.
He seemed shocked that I knew how to throw a knife as he stared at me then the knife in the wall, he pulled it out and walked over to me. I expected to be told off for ruining the wall but he placed the knife in my hand and pet me on the shoulder
"Where'd you learn how to throw like that Wren?" He asked "never took you to be a girl to know how to handle a weapon"
"Uh my mother taught me" I reply fiddling with the knife
"Nice now Cap is waiting for you so follow me" He says waving me to the door
"Yes Mr Stark" I reply following him out and down the hall
"Please call me Tony"
I follow Tony down the hall and to where Steve is waiting, he stands up and walks over to me and smiles
"I see you found the suit and weapons" he smiles
"Definitely the weapons!" Tony chimes in
Steve gives me a questioning look at me and Tony
"I may or may not have thrown a knife at Tony" I state "but in my defence he should have knocked"
"You know how to use a knife? How?" Cap asks
"Mother taught her" Tony answers for me "now go and find your friend"
"Right" Steve say "come on let's go"
I follow Cap down the halls to the hangar were we enter one of the jets, he sits in the pilot seat and I proceeded to awkwardly sit in a spare seat. Captain America brings the jet to life and soon we're airborne.
"So" I begin breaking the silence "any idea where he is?"
"Well I've managed to track him to this location" he replies pointing at the screen on the console
I walk over to get a closer look, James seems to be in an apartment not to far from where we are, I nod and return to my seat "let's go get him"

—>Time Skip—>
Captain America parks the jet in a forest about an hours walk from Bucky's location, we start the walk in silence for the first twenty or so minutes before Steve spoke up
"So your mother taught you how to throw a knife"
"Yeah she said it was for my safety but then she revoked my privilege to have a knife"
"How come?"
"I may or may not have stabbed a kid when I was eleven"
Cap turns to me with a shocked expression on his face "stabbed them?"
"Yeah, she was a bully but I got in more trouble even though I told them why I stabbed the bitch"
"Sorry stabbed the biscuit"
"Wow remind me not to get on your bad side"
"Your Captain America you'll just block it with your shield!"
We both laugh and continue talking until the building comes into view
"So Cap what's the plan?" I ask eying the building in front of us
"Well I think you should do the talking and I'll be back up he seems to trust you a lot more than me at the moment" he replies sadness in his voice
"Don't worry Steve I'm sure he'll remember you soon" I say patting his shoulder "so we go from the roof?"
He turns to look at me and smiles "read my mind"
We both run to the building and around the back, Steve jumps up to the fire escape and starts to ascend upwards, I take a deep breath and take a run up, I barely grab the grating before I flip myself onto the platform
"Nice flip Wren!" Steve calls down to me
"Thanks!" I call back and start climbing up
I reach Steve as he stopped on one of the platforms
"Why'd we stop?" I ask
"This is where he is" Steve responded pointing to the window
"Alright go get the jet ready" I reply sliding the window open silently "be fast and land it on the roof"
"Yes ma'am" he replies running down the fire escape
I climb through the window and close the it shut, unfortunately it makes a loudish clicking noise, I freeze as I hear footsteps coming down the hall, I quickly close the curtains and prepare myself to be beat. I see Bucky/The Winter Soldier in the hall advancing towards me gun in hand
"Woah there James I'm not here to hurt you" I say slowly putting my hands up to prove I wasn't holding anything "just here to help you"
He places the gun on the table and stares at me for awhile "you, Your from the museum"
"Yeah I'm the girl from the museum"
"It's my fault" he mumbles to himself running his metal hand through his hair
"No don't say that it wasn't your fault it was the person who shot me who is at fault"
"But I could have helped"
"James I'm here to come help you"
Something flickered in his eyes when he heard his name as he remembered something, I slowly and cautiously walk towards him "will you let me help"
Suddenly his eyes narrowed with suspicion and possibly anger he grabbed me by the shirt lifting me a foot above the ground
"How can I trust you?" He seethed starring directly into my eyes "how?!"
"Listen James I promise you can trust me and Steve Rodgers" I reply panicked
The Winter Soldier's eyes widened in response and dropped me "Steve?"
"Yeah Steve Rodgers, Captain America your best friend" I reply hoping to run his memory "do you remember him?"
"Yes I think I do?" He mumbles eyebrows knit together
"If you come with me I can get you to Steve and try to get some of your memories back" I say holding out my hand for him to take "I promise we won't hurt you"
He stares at my hand for a while as if he were debating whether to run off or come with me, thankfully he takes my hand and I lead him to the window
"Now can you promise me you won't run off?"
I open the window again and climb out, Bucky starts to but stops "wait I need to grab something"
"Sure thing James"
I watch him as he ripped up a floorboard with his metal arm and grabs backpack, he slings it over his shoulder and climbs out the window joining me on the platform
"Now someone is going to pick us up from the roof so come on" I state as I start to climb
The Soldier hesitated but follows me up, we reach the roof,
"Steve you there?" I whisper into turning my ear piece on
"Yep, I'm flying over now hold on" he replies
I turn to James as he looks at me suspiciously and confused
"He'll be here soon to pick us ok" I inform "remember I promised you"
He walk over to me and looks down at me "I never got your name"
"It's Wren"
I hear the engines of the jet approaching and James looked up in fear
"Hey it's just our ride no ones going to get you"
"It's not a HYDRA jet?" He asks
"I'm don't even know what HYDRA is and I can assure you it's our jet"
He didn't reply just nods in silence not taking his eyes off the fast approaching jet, the jet lands and the rear opens up allowing James and I to climb in
"Hey Buck" Cap says with caution "remember me?"
His eyebrows furrow in response "I think I do?"
Cap's smile falls, he flicks a switch and the rear closes, I give him a reassuring pat on the back "he'll remember soon don't worry Cap"
"Thanks Wren" He replies sitting down
James sits to the far back and I take my original seat, Steve flies us up and we begin our long journey back to the Avengers Tower
—>Time Skip—>
James dozed off and was muttering incoherent words twitching with his face screwed up as if he were having a nightmare
"Hey Cap is James ok?" I whisper
Captain America proceeds to switch the jet to autopilot and turns around to look at his friend,
"I think he'll be ok" he replies "maybe"
He turns back around and switches off autopilot and resumes flying, I look back over at James who was now sitting in an upright position glaring at me and Steve.
"B-bucky?" I stammer
"Who the hell is Bucky?" He hisses
Oh no, the man sitting just seats away from me is not Bucky anymore instead it's The Winter Soldier sitting in his place
"Steve?" I whisper "do you have the sedative?"
I don't get time to answer when The Winter Soldier grabs the back of my shirt slamming me to the floor, wrapping his metal hand around my throat, I try to kick him off to no avail, In the corner of my eye I see Cap switch to auto pilot and grab his shield and flinging it at the Soldier pinning me down, but he lets go of my throat and catches it throwing it back at Cap. With my throat free from his grasp I scream
This angers the Soldier more and he try's to punch me in the face, I roll away just in time as his metal hand dents the flooring of the jet.
"I'm on it!" Cap screams running to grab the sedative
I get pulled back by my arm by the Soldier and he attempts to throw another punch which I dodge again and I try and kick him but he grabs my foot
He kicks my other foot out from under my and my head his the metal floor hard, dazed I try crawl away from my attacker "Steve this year would be great!"
Steve runs our syringe in hand and jumps at the Winter Soldier kicking him in the stomach, knocking him back and into the ground, Cap takes his chance and plunges the needle into his neck and injects the sedative, The Soldier throws him off and pulls out the empty syringe and hurls it at me like a knife, it makes contact and lands in my chest, thank god it's empty. I pull out the syringe and throw it aside and dodge the oncoming Soldier, who thankfully seems to be affected by the sedative, only a few more seconds and he'll be out, the Soldier lunges at me slamming me back into the ground and starts to choke me, my eyes water as I struggle for breath. I start to see Stars when Cap hits him around the head with his shield speeding up the process of the sedative, Cap picks up the passed out Soldier and straps him down to the gurney. He runs to me and helps me up
"Are you alright Wren?" He asks worried
"Never been better" I reply laughing a little "we almost there?"
"We've just arrived" he replies
"Thank god"
"Stark I need you to get the Big Guys cage set up" Steve states "and fast we don't want him killing us all"
Steve lands the jet and opens the rear allowing him to wheel the Soldier into the tower, I follow him limping slightly. I watch as the place the passed out James in a huge glass cage prison like thingy, I think what they mean by the Big Guys cage is that it is The Hulks, so if it can contain him it can contain a master asasain. I leave and walk to my room feeling light headed, then I'm met with darkness.
(Word count 2146)

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