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You had been trying to keep a secret from your best friend,and a big one which you knew that would put you in danger and simply make your trust for him completely dissappear.

You were in a abusive relationship and things were getting worse day by day.
You didn't know how to stop it and you couldn't ask your best friend for help cause you thought that would put him in danger and you didn't want that.

But the more you kept it a secret the more it was difficult to hide it.

You were home and your head was buzzing with thoughts and you were going in circles while trying to solve the issue that had been bothering you for a while.

You didn't want your relationship with your boyfriend since things had gotten even more worse.

He had been cheating on you and leaving you alone,not being commited to the relationship. But he also kept you around for some dumb  reason and wouldn't let you go.

And if you would say anything he would grab your arm so strong that it would leave you signs and would tell you to not say anything about breaking up.

Even tho it was no good you still couldn't escape from him.
You had no power and even if you did he might do something to you.

And suddenly the noise of the door opening startled you.
It was Hyungwoo that had come in.

" hey Y/N how you doing " he said while giving you a hug and kissing your check.

But you didn't respond and that made Woo notice that something was wrong.

"Y/N tell me what is wrong .Do you have any problems? " he asks

You were a bit afraid to tell him but also didn't want to bother him with your troubles. Even if he was your best friend the one who had always been with you and protected you ,you still couldn't tell about this yet.

"Nothing Hyungwoo, iam alright " you said but your voice was a little bit shakey and you could tell you weren't telling the truth.

"Y/N don't lie to me,i can clearly see something isn't good,and something is troubling you.Tell me now." He says while grabbing your arms which made you face him.

And suddenly you burst into tears by his words.
A bad situation indeed.

" Hyungwoo. . Iam sorry , i can't tell you " you said sobbing

He sighs.

" is that how much you trust me . Aren't we best friends . Aren't we supposed to tell everything to each other.
But i see you don't need help i guess"

He definitely was pissed at this point and you couldn't do anything. You were sorry for messing up and also breaking your trust with Woo. Everything was falling apart and you were caught in guilt feeling bad how you couldn't do nothing about the situation.

Hyungwoo leaves your apartment.This made you feel so alone and broken and everything because it was your fault for not telling him.

And you knew the reason and how things would turn this way.

You sit on the couch crying and feeling guilty.

As Hyungwoo was coming down the stairs he made eye contact with your boyfriend which was coming to your apartment.

He didn't said hi or anything but somehow the images in his head connected.And by now he knew what was happening and why you didn't tell him.


You hear a knock on the door.

"Y/N it's me ,open up " he says.

You got off immediately and wiped your tears.

MONSTER WOO / EVERYTHING TO PROTECT YOU [ ONE SHOT ] Where stories live. Discover now