Chapter 2

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15 years into the future

It was morning time as I felt someone on my bed and opened my eyes and saw it was Skai as Charlie groaned

"Mommy it's morning time finish the story" she told me as I sat up

"What story" Charlie asked me kissing my head and Skai's head

"The story of how we met and fell in love" I told him as he smiled at me as he and Skai sat next to each other as Skai lying next to me and she gave me the book

"I love that story" he told me and I opened the book to where I was yesterday and started reading

15 years ago Hayden POV

I was wearing my black boots and striped shirt and red shirt as I was walking Cujo I was supposed meet Kadee and Trumpet at the park 

"Hayden, look over here" I heard paparazzi yell at me as Tony held the door for me

"Thank you" I told him as Tony was by the limo as I looked at him

"I think i'm gonna walk today, Tony. Get some fresh air" I told Tony as he gave me a look

"You're father won't like this" he scolded at me as I gave him a look

"He also wouldn't like you're using his Knicks tickets without him knowing." I told him knowingly as his face changed

"Enjoy the park" Tony told me as I laughed and I waved goodbye I was walking when Cujo pulled on the leash making my papers fly everywhere

"Cujo!" I yelled at him as I was picking up my papers

"I love you too. Come on!" I heard a guy say as he ran up to me as helped me

"Sorry, here sorry Sorry. Sorry." He told me as I bumped my head on his and groaned as we apologized

"Oh no." I heard him mumble as I saw Cujo was running

"Cujo!" I yelled at him as I saw him looking at some of my lyrics

"Hey, do you mind? That's private" I told him taking the paper as he looked at me and realized who I was

"Hayden Chase? You're Hayden Chase, like the Hayden Chase Hayden Chase" he told me as I smiled at him and hear paparazzi he only sees Hayden Chase to bad he's cute

"Please, can i have that back?" I asked him as he gave me the paper still looking at me

"Sorry, I" I heard him say as I turned around running after Cujo

"I like your dog" he told me as I laughed at him running after Cujo

I made it to the park and saw Kadee there as she was waved at me as I walked to her and gave her a hug

"Hey What's got you so smiley" she asked me as I shook my head and started to think about that that cute guy I ran into

"This is about a boy" she told me as I shook my head and walked to the park bench as she told me she was going to get hamburgers and asked do I want one but I shook my head my contract says I can't eat unhealthy food

She left as I was watching Trumpet and Cujo as I was airing out my papers

"Stupid boy, right Cujo? Not a total loss" I told Cujo as he was playing with Trumpet as I looked at the lyrics in the page and began to sing

On this day I'll finally listen to what's been calling me
All it takes is letting go of whatever people think of me
This way I'll stand out and break away to be free
Happiness is what I can't live without
It's time to stand out (oh oh, oh oh)
It's time to stand out (oh oh, oh oh)
It's time to stand out

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