scott .1

16 0 0

x alison x

i awkwardly sat down on the couch scott was on, oh my gosh this is so awkward

the awkwardness was so thick you could cut it with a knife

i was looking at the opposite direction he was, and i just had this vibe that he was looking at me

and that vibe was right, because he just talked.

oh sht, he talked.

"i-uhm, sorry what?" i am so awkward

he chuckled, he chuckled, it was so beautiful

"i said, do you have another name i can call you instead of alison?" he smiled, fuck it this guy was just perfect

i slowly frowned, no apparent reason at all, seriously.

he started panicking¿ "i mean-uhm- i didn't mean it that way, i mean-uhm- i like your name- i was just-"

i cut him off

it was my turn to laugh, "haha, i understand"

he lost the panicking at the disco, lol

"yeah, i do, you can call me beyon- oh, i mean erica, you can call me erica" i stated with a smile and held my hand out to him

"wonderful to meet you erica, you can call me sam, it sounds like a girl's name but who cares" he grabbed my hand and shook it

sht sht sht sht sht

i feel dolphins, dolphins doing backflips to canada.

too bad he let go quickly😞

he was just so beautiful, i can't even,

"well, it would be lovely to see you again sometime," i said before sipping on my drink (which i did not have before but just magically appeared in my hand for some reason)

he scratched the back of his neck, "funny thing actually, i'm going to live here for 3 months"

those 11 words made me choke on my drink.

he he he

u should be used to the cliffhangers by now

and gosh, this might be the best story i have created by far

i lub chu guyzz

{My name is Kendall for those of you who don't know}


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