Chapter 1- Unexpected Greeting

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Lele: Hannah, you won't forget about tonight won't you?

Hannah: No, of course not! I won't forget my best friends birthday now!

Lele: I am going home now to get ready for tonight! I will meet you there.

Hannah: Okay, bye lele.

Lele: Bye sweetie!

~2 hours later~

(Hannah shows up at Lele's house for her birthday party!)

Hannah: OMG! Happy birthday Lele! I love you so much beautiful.

Lele: Awe! I love you too, you'll be happy to hear we have loads of cake!

Hannah: YES! Cake is my bae. I'm coming...

(Hannah comes into the room which is full of party guests. Lele first introduces her to a tall, blonde boy.)

Lele: Hannah, this is my friend Twan.

Hannah: Oh, hey Twan.

Twan: Hi!

Lele: I need to help my mum look for something, you guys chat for a while.

Hannah: So, do you like this party?

Twan: Yeah, it's really good. How are you?

Hannah: I'm fine, how are you?

Twan: I'm good too! 

(They chat for about 15 minutes. Lele then comes along.)

Lele: Oooh. What's going on here??

Hannah: LELE! I'm just talking to Twan here.

Lele: Haha, i'm just joking. You both are cute tho:)

Twan&Hannah: LELE!

Lele: I'm kidding calm down:D

~3 hours later~


(Hannah arrives at home and messages Lele)

Hannah: Lele?

Lele: Hey! What's up?

Hannah: I know it's a little bit weird as we just met but I think I have a crush on Twan.

... to be continued

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