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I can't admit that I have any feelings for Veronica, other then just craving her touch.

Ever since Sunday passed us not one of us bothered to reach out for the other, but that's to be expected of her. She wants a mature vibe while I, I'm not sure.

As far as I'm aware Veronica has already been in love, she knows how the path flows but she shouldn't be clinging on to the hopes that it's the same thing.

Maybe that's just me or us, if there even is an us.

Today felt like none other just a cold Monday morning, small drops of water could be heard tapping against the cement.

As I walked to my locker I couldn't help notice Valéry coming up to me, she held this cold demeanor. Almost as if this morning wasn't worse for me compared to her, she had the point of the stick.
"What's up with you today?" I asked, cause if I don't she'll be a ticking time bomb. Wouldn't want my worse enemy on the receiving end.
She bore at me, it almost made me regret asking but even so I was more determined to know, what was killing her.

She nodded to an empty class directing me to head in there with her. So I did.

We both leaned on a desk neither of us saying anything, the suspense was killing me. Yet Valéry was seeking a way to explain why she felt the way she did. As if all life depended on just this small revelation.

Heaving out a sigh she looked down at her sneakers. "My mates coming to this school." She said.

I was confused but also aware that Valéry and her mate were on the rocky path to ever actually connect.

Her mates name is Kensington Hast, 17 years of age. Has a lot of issues, when it comes to dealing with Valéry or anything to do with her emotions. Kensington won't accept her nature, which is why she has blocked even her own human feelings. So I gathered from her brother, who seemed to have been in the same position she is now.

Yet Valéry has been almost patient enough, even if she did cling on me, invade my space, She wanting a part with me somehow, we both knew that, that alone would be impossible but that didnt stop us from giving it a try. But after I found Veronica, we already knew that whatever was agreed upon is no more.

Although we have yet to inform our parents. I don't know why we don't bother bringing it up to them. Perhaps we're both scared that it's not official with our partners yet.

"What are you going to do? " I asked knowing that Kensington was similar to Spencer when it came down to playing around. It's as if its encoded in them to be a slut.
"Ignore her." Valéry whispered, she was hurting but there's nothing I could do. Valery had to pull herself together during these time, we couldn't show weaknesses when there's a killer on the loose, teenagers and werewolves heirs on the campus.

"Valéry, besides her being your bad is the pain." I asked concerned drapped over my words as I saw her eyes tear up yet she refuse to let them spill, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

She released a heavy breath "it's almost sealing up, perhaps my second chance will come soon." She said as she cleared her eyes carefully so as to not ruin her makeup.

I just weakly smiled for her, unsure if it was a good thing or not that she'll probably find a replacement mate. Second mates are hard to come by, but as long as they feel like someone else might be out there. Hope, remained.

Did Veronica believe Grayson to be her second yet first mate? Perhaps that's why they agreed to run away. Escape an agreement she didnt want, but if she would have waited for me, at least to reach the mature age would we have been together? Probably, I wouldn't have been this fucked up too. Then again Grayson wouldn't be dead and they might have eloped without my knowledge, I'd end up killing him.

I know that I would.

"At least we know you tried." I said, knowing that if I were to be in Kensington's shoes I'd have wanted for Veronica to try. Sadly she didnt and now I've got issues within myself and external conflicts with other packs that want me to crumble.

Packs just want to see war, blood, and death. That's what she wanted an out of, but if they do get to see my down fall will that even change anything? its not like I'm ruling over anyone right now.

They probably thought I was unfit to govern over anyone, heck even I believe it.

As I got out of the empty class room I noticed Veronica passing, I don't know why I panicked but knowing that me being in a room that's meant to be empty doesn't look right at all having students coming out of it. Valery came out from behind me ready to go her way to class since we still had five minutes.

Veronica just glared at us wondering what in the world we were doing in there. "well talk to you later Hailey." was all Valery said as she rushed to class not wanting to get into trouble again, especially by Veronica. She wasn't one to come between pairs.

"I take it you guys just talked?" she said with crossed arms.

"Yeah, it has to do with her mate. Its not really something we should be talking about in the open." I said Veronica didnt drill me as I thought she would but I knew for a fact that it might be a little hard on her to fully trust me as it is for me to do the same with her.

We seem to both fear being left for someone else, or in her case the death of a loved one. But that doesn't mean she would care if I were to die its practically her job to worry for her students.

Walking back to class with Veronica for first period felt pleasantly right, students were already in their classrooms, teachers were preparing the roll call page on their computers. Which made me wonder why wasn't Veronica doing just that, she wasn't one to ever be late to her own class she would be greeting the students at the door.

"Shouldn't you have been by the door letting your students in ? " I asked.

She just smiled "Your right but then I noticed that you were taking awhile long so I came to get you. Besides I told the students to behave while I went to the washroom." She said.

To be honest I didnt know how to answer her, it felt nice to know she went to seek for me for once. Yet this was perhaps the second time she did. But this time it was because she wanted to not because she felt worried for me or felt obligated to do so. I felt my the blood rush to my cheeks, even if I tried to not think of it too much my face might have given me away.

Veronica simply smiled that knowing smile that got under my skin. With her it didnt take words to figure out what she was thinking but I knew what she was so happy about. Composing myself would be the hardest thing to do if and when I'm ever around her.

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