** "...you're one month pregnant, Mrs. Malik,"

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** sexual content. reader discretion is advised.


Zayn left before I woke up this morning. He left me a little note on the bathroom mirror saying how much he'll miss me and how much I mean to him and how he'll be thinking about me the whole flight and while he's away... and how fun last night was.

I'm in the car on the way to my doctor's office and then to the grocery store. It's a nice day for this climate, and it's quite suspicious. It must be the calm before the storm because I know something is wrong. My day never stays continuously well.

During my checkup, my doctor keeps me around for a while. He goes in and out of the room, waiting for different papers to come through, and finally takes his seat in front of me. A concerned yet playful look is on his face as she starts talking.

"...you're one month pregnant, Mrs. Malik," Dr. Star says.

"What?" I ask. Shocked, but not surprised.

"You're going to have a baby. Possibly due at the beginning of next year," she says. "Congratulations!"

"Oh, my God! I'm so... Oh, no... Oh, God no! What?" I shriek, digging my hands into my hair. Way to fucking go, Perrie!

"What's wrong? I'm also your on-call therapist, so what we talk about is confidential," Dr. Star says leaning in. Okay, sis because this tea is scorching.

"Well, I'm... I just... I've been having... an affair," I say and he sits back in his chair, shook as fuck, but a smile playing at his lip. "I don't know who the father is and I'm so scared."

"Oh, Dear... well, that's okay," he says acting more professional. "We can do a paternity test."

"But I don't want either of them to know, so how will I get their um, DNA?" I ask.

"When was the last time you had sex with either of them?" Dr. Star asks.

"Both of them... yesterday," I say."

"Oh, well you're a busy bee," he says.

I've got a lot of free time...

Sex with Alex was just supposed to be fun and casual, but then I started liking him more than I wanted to and seeing him more often than I anticipated. Now, I may be pregnant with his baby, and I've taken things way too far, and Zayn will be pissed and probably leave me and I can't have that happen because I am terrified of being alone.

After Dr. Star gets the two samples, thank God, but also gross, of my lovers' sperm, I leave the office and head home. I have to wait a while before the results get back in, just a few weeks.

I'm so nervous. I should have noticed because I haven't had a period. Like, that's something you notice. I'm the biggest fucking idiot in the world.

But when I was a teenager and a virgin, I went three months without a period and my doctor said it's just Amenorrhea; basically caused by weight gain and other stuff I can't remember.

I forget about the grocery trip because I've got other problems right now. As I'm pulling into my driveway, Alex is doing the same. He asks me to come over.

I guess I could tell him that I'm pregnant right now. Maybe he would understand. I mean, we do have sex like three times a week, so this baby could be his, and I think he would be happy.

"Where were you this morning?" I ask, sitting with him on the couch.

"Took a day trip to visit some family," Alex replies. he rests his hand on my thighs. Oh, no, honey. I will not do this, not today.

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