Jonbenet ramsey

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(This is jut a theory)
Jonbenet Ramsey was a 6 year old beauty pageant queen. On December 26,1996, the day after Christmas. Jonbenet was found dead in her family's basement. Her cause of death was strangulation. The day after Christmas, her mom Patsy Ramsey went downstairs. Making her way into the kitchen Patsy found a ransom note. After finding the note she had woken up her son and husband then called 911. When the police arrived they started looking for clues/evidence. Her dad had checked the basement, where he found her, dead, and in very bad condition.
Now, onto the theory:
So her dad found the body... not only that, he had touched the body and now his prints were all over it
Patsy,(her mother) was also a beauty queen herself, living through jonbenet, in her pageants. People believe that Patsy was abusing toward Jonbenet, and one day she just lost it and hit her.
With the ransom note. The writing on the note and Pasty's writing were seemingly close to how pasty wrote with her left hand.
In an autopsy, there were indigested pineapple found in Jonbenet's body. They also did finger print test on the pineapple bowl and the spoon, and the found Pasty's fingerprints.
Now later on the had found out that Jonbenet was also molested. This has been going on for a long time. Scientists say that jonbenet has been sexually abused for years.
It's possible that one night, her dad was abusing her, sexually, and he accidentally hurt her head then the mom would of came in and helped him cover it up.
           The second theory
Jonbenet might of been killed by her brother.
Jonbenet, being a beauty queen, might of been getting all the attention, but not just the media, but her parents mainly, it could of made her brother, burke, insanely jealous. In September 16,2016 Dr. Phil interview Burke, through out the questions it had seem like burke was smiling and laughing a bit, THROUGH THE ENTIRE THING.
More into Jonbenet's autopsy, they found 2 marks/holes in Jonbenet's neck. They had found out that the holes in her neck matched a train track toy that Burke owned. When the police interviewed Burke, when he was younger he would say things like "I don't recall", almost rehearsed.
Now recently in February 1,2018 Pasty claims that her husband killed Jonbenet. Oh, and after Jonbenet's autopsy came in the dad packed his bags and flew out of the state. No one knows why 🤷🏽‍♀️.
( im not saying that her family killed her but there might be chance but for now. May her little soul Rest In Peace ❤️)

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