Whats wrong with my feelings?

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I got a few DM's about my bio, which is about a girl name Logan.
They asked me "What did You do wrong?" And as that being a personal issue, I can say that It was a mutual agreement between both of us.
Now ever since then my feelings have been kinda fucked up.
What I mean is that I literally do not feel anything for anyone.
I've tried to regain my feelings by talking to many people that used to like me, or does like me as of right now.
I don't feel anything for anyone except one person which is the is woman in my bio.
Feeling nothing really sucks but, I put it on myself. I was the one who kinda flipped a switch to not feel anything for anyone. So I wouldn't get hurt again.
If you are my close friend you will know about all my past relationships and stories of those relationships, that quite frankly scared the fuck out of me.
I try not to think of those but to not think of those and the possibility of getting hurt, I had to cut off my feelings.
Is there a way to turn them back on?
I personally do not know how too turn them back on, that's something I have a hard time with.
This is such a weird topic honestly, saying I can just flip a fucking switch and turn off my feelings 😂 but that's literally how I describe it.
I have no other easier way to describe it.
Hopefully everything will go back to normal in a couple months or close to a year.
This has been going on from last November to now and I don't see it stopping anytime soon.
And now you might be wondering why they shut off in November of last year, what happened in November?
That was when me and my ex girlfriend Broke up, and It like blew up big time.
I'm glad I'm away from her, but again since I got hurt so many times during that relationship (as did she) I'm just not ready to turn them back on again.
If I can.
But anyways, I hope all of you have an amazing day and love life to the fullest💙 Bye.

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