❤️❤️Madeline's pov❤️❤️
"I don't care keep ur lips to yourself Potter."Draco said. "Harry can we go to ur common room later."I asked. "Yes babygirl."Harry said. We walked to potions class joking and laughing. "Alright class we r gonna be making amortinia I will choose partners."Pr. Snaps said. "Blaze and Madeline, Draco and Pansy, Harry and Neville, Ron and Hermione, Crab and Goyle."Pr. Snaps said. Everyone groaned at who there partners were but Ron and Hermione. After making the spell we tried smelling it. "Blaze what do u smell?" I asked. "I smell flowers and cinnamon rolls."Blaze said. "I smell spilled in and cologne."I said. "That's what Harry smells like."Blaze said. I blushed horribly and Pr.Snape took notice. "Madeline what did you smell?"Uncle Sev asked. "Uncle Sev do I have to tell?"I asked. "Yes."Pr.Snape said. "I smell spilled ink and cologne." I said blushing. I looked at Harry and he was blushing. "Looks like we don't have to ask who the person is."Pr.Snape chuckled. I hid my face from my uncle. "Uncle Sev u embarrassed her." Draco said hugging me. "Class dismissed." Pr.Snape said. "Draco u have detention remember."Blaze said. "What why?" I asked. " I cast a spell on Harry yesterday." Draco said. "DRACO!!!!"I whined. "It was just a prank calm down." Blaze said. "Yeah on my boyfriend."I said.