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Hello! Long time no see!

So, I'm going to get straight to the point. I wrote this book at a very young age and I've been cringing over it for about two years now.

Yes, I'm fully aware of the grammatical errors and switch ups that followed with this book. I was, again, very young and struggling with my English.

I love these characters very much and feel that they deserve better. With that being said I am going to be rewriting this story, giving my characters a better story with a better ending.

The plot will be roughly the same, just better described, longer chapters, and make the story make more sense over all. Reading over my past work it was clear I had many ideas I never went threw with and just left up in the air.

I'm sorry if you read the original and had to suffer the cringe fest... anyways, I have another book on my page that has slow updates called 'This is hell' that I have been dabbling with for awhile.

Not trying to self promo... but yeah, if you want to... you can check it out... the main guy's an asshole but I love him... heh... yeah.

Originally completed: 3/28/16
Editing: 7/15/18

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