Chapter 1

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I awoke to the struggling gasps of my own breath. A pressure was placed on my neck and chest, making it nearly impossible to get any sort of breath into my body.

My eyes shot open finding my step sister straddling my abdomen, alcohol strong on her breath, with her hands around my neck. Tori's eyes held a rage that I had never seen before, hatred beamed at me behind those expensive lash extensions.

I clawed at her hands, trying with all my might to rip her hands from my throat before I blacked out. My nails dig into her skin, but her grip never let up. I could feel her nails breaking my skin, her fingers leaving bruises as I fought for my life.

"Weak fucking bitch," she spoke with a slur as she released her grip before striking my face.

Tears slipped from my eyes as I pushed her from my bed and ran to the bathroom. Slamming the door behind me, I locked it with shaking hands.

"She tried to kill me," I whispered to myself.

Sliding down the door I held my hand over my mouth, muffling the sobs threatening to leave my lips. I would never give her the joy of hearing me cry. Not her and most definitely not her mother.

I cant wait to leave this hell we call a house. My birthday couldn't come fast enough. It's been like this since I was eleven, right after my mother passed.

Looking out the small window in front of me, I was met with the moon. There were only a few stars in the sky, which is usual because we live too close to the city.

I miss the country. I miss the long drive ways, dirt roads, fields and fields of crops, and most of all, none of the Mathews family were in my life at that point in time. I still had my mother and my dad still cared.

Just hold out for six more months...

I felt my eyes closing from exhaustion. Knowing Tori is probably passed out on my floor in a puddle of her own vomit, I knew I was sleeping in here. Folding up a towel, I laid on my side and let a dreamless sleep consume me.


My fist blocked my face as a fist was thrown at me. I could only hear the pulsing of my heart and blood shooting threw my veins as I let my opponent, that I don't even know the name of, tire himself out. Dodging every blow, I could feel frustration radiating from him. Smirking at his frustration, I continued dodging.

I quickly threw a hard punch, hitting him in the jaw. Before he could recover I felt the crunch of his nose under my fist, then sweeping his feet out from under him. The crowd erupted in cheers as I, yet again, went undefeated.

The crowd around us screamed louder as blood leaked from his broken nose as his couch assisted him out of the ring. Walking threw the crowd, strait to the make shift locker room, I began to unwrap the tape around my knuckles.

Opening the door, I was met with my younger sister, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed and our six year old little sister's head resting in her lap. Lorain's eyes quickly snapped open, landing right on me as I pulled a t-shirt over my head.

"Are you hurt?" She questioned quietly, making sure Jackie wouldn't awaken.

"I'm fine," the door opened again, my coach giving a thumbs up, then handing me a wad of cash, giving me my share of the bets people made on me.

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