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AN: I know a lot of you are tired of AUthor's note stuff but... Since there was this typhoon .. our connection was  reaaaaaalllyyy sloww and I coudn't update  but here .. I think this won't really be the greatest chapter but oh well..  it's almost midnight. The internet is slow so I need to rush this up before I get disconnected.

Time check: 11:38 pm. Promise, future chapters will be better because I will try to type earlier.


Hiashi closed the doors and gave a loud sigh. If only she knew.. Ah well, maybe she wasn't ready. "Neji, come here. "

"Hn." he went down the stairs and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll do it myself. It'll be easier than to keep her in suspense."

"Guess you're right. Do as you wish, but be careful, seeing someone who you thought was dead can be very.. surprising.." he gave him a last warning and went away leaving Neji alone in the living room.

Neji put his hand on the doorknob, ready to search for Tenten. Everytime she ran away, it was always far, too far that you might even consider on giving up. But as for him, he knew how far she always was.

About 30 minutes had passed and he finally felt her presence, she was near, really near. He looked behind every tree and eventually found her sleeping. "Tenten.." he slowly shook her body making her shift. "Tenten.." he tried shaking her again, this time, harder.

She finally opened her eyes and quickly jumped after seeing Neji who she thought was dead. "WHo- who are you?!"

"Hn. You know who I am.." he quickly replied standing up from his kneeling position. 

She scratched her head and made a fake laugh; " Ahaha.. well.. you look like Neji but of course he's dead.. so tell me, who are you?" 

"Tenten, you know I'm Neji. Be serious"

"No.. no you're not. Neji's dead, stop playing this illusion on me, whoever you are.." she was beginning to get really creeped out at the situation. Of course, he wasn't Neji.. right? She was never good at identifying illusions but she stood on what she believed; Neji was dead and nothing could change that, she saw it with her own eyes.

"It isn't what you thought it was.."

She couldn't fight. She felt to weak; there it was, Neji standing in front of her, Neji the one she loved. But something wasn't right, she couldn't put her finger on it but her mind was telling her to stay away. "Sh-shut up.." she managed to say. Everything in her mind blurred, memories of her and Neji came in her mind but it just wasn't right..

'In my mind the memories turn slowly

moments when I thought of you only

But our time is past and gone'

Perhaps it was a new feeling, it really wasn't love.. maybe hate? 

Yeah.. hate.. hatred..maybe that was it. Maybe she didn't love him in the first place, maybe it was just her strong desire to form a bond with him and she thought it was love..? 

'Though something is left

Nothing kept at the end of the line

I still am reminded of how this came to be

Was it really love?'

"Go away. Whoever you are.. Neji is gone.. you're not him"

'There is none. There is no future. 

 I do not. I do not hold any expectations. 

 There is none. There is no one. 

 Around me, there isn't anyone anymore...'


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