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"It is currently 3:41pm," Mr. Kirkman announces as draws his head back and squints attempting to read the time written on his silver watch.

"I am required to keep you here for no more than thirty minutes, but it is Friday and I would much rather be at home trying to convince my wife not to leave me."

Jack sarcastically draws in his breath and tuts. "Unlucky." He grins while slouching even further down his chair.

"So I will allow y'all to leave at 4 o'clock." Mr Kirkman says. He picks up a small stack of papers and hands them to Zach who takes one and proceeds to passing them along.

Daniel takes two, keeping one for himself and sliding me the other. He passes the stack and I hand them to Corbyn who thanks me and delivers them back to Mr Kirkman.

'Penalty Sheet' is written in bold letters at the top of the page followed by 'I will not get detention again'. Around twenty empty lines fill out the rest of the page.

Corbyn takes out a pen and starts filling it out almost immediately. There's a scrunching sound and before I can turn around I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

I turn to face Daniel who stuffs his now ball sized page into his mouth.

This boy is such a goof.

I try to conceal my giggle as I too begin to scrunch up my page. But instead of shoving it into my mouth, I quickly attempt to shove it into Daniels who squeals and coughs out his page.

"What isn't wrong with you?!" He manages to coughs out, a hand placed on his chest over his heart.

I place my own hand over my mouth to try and minimize the noise coming out, because I don't know if it even deserves to be classified as a laugh.

Zach turns around and throws a badly shaped paper airplane at Daniel who catches it and unfolds it.

'420 BLAZE IT' is written in gigantic red letters. Daniel chuckles as he throws the paper through the air and back to Zach who watches it fall. He stands up and turns his chair around so he's now facing Daniel and I.

Jack stretches his arm out to get Zach's attention not realising he isn't there. He breaks away from conversating with Jonah to look at Zach.

"Zee!" he calls. But Zach doesn't hear him as all his attention is focused on winning his arm wrestling match against Daniel. I'm about to tap him but Jack shakes his head at me. He scoots his chair around to face us and Jonah follows suit.

Zach sees that Daniel is paying attention to Jack and Jonah and takes this as his opportunity to win. He slams Daniels hand against the table before clapping, clearly delighted with his victory.

"Zee," Jack whispers, which is pretty useless considering the fact he was within an arms reach from me."Your gonna come through tomorrow night, right?"

Zach licks his lips. "Hmm?"

Jonah shifts uncomfortably in his seat, as he leans across the table.

"Zach," He says firmly. "There's a lot of people relying on you. You're aware of that?" Jonah says patronizingly.

Zach throws his head back. "Sure."

Daniel gives me the look and I return it. "Wait-what's happening tomorrow night?" he asks and I can hear the slight concern in his voice.

"Nothing, just my party." Jack answers. The look on his face suggesting he's offended Daniel would even ask such a question.

Zach scoffs. "Relax I'll come through with the drugs-"

"Shh!" Jonah shrieks but its already too late. Even Corbyn stops writing for a second, before continuing again.

Regarding Jack, there's no surprise there. He's practically hungover every third day.

But Jonah however... I'll admit I totally didn't see that one coming.

He's captain of the baseball team plus rumour has it he has four scholarship offers. I don't know, I just assumed he was in great health or something. I mean with a face like that, can you blame me?

Daniel and I exchange looks and the atmosphere becomes even more tense.

Jonah licks his teeth. "Either of you say a word to anyone and I'll-"

Zach places out his arms, "Relax crackhead, your secrets safe with them."

Corbyn sniggers, resulting in an eruption of laughter from all of us, Jonah included.

"Hey! Keep it down back there." Mr Kirkman calls with his eyes glued to his phone screen.

"I'll come through with your...", Zach pauses, "Supplies -,"

Jonah clasps his hands, "Oh thank god-"


"Ugh." Jack rolls his eyes.

"If I can bring Daniel."

I laugh.

"Done." Jack nods.

Daniel blinks abruptly as he grabs my hand under the table. It catches me off guard and I turn to face him, but he's staring at Zach. He squeezes my hand tightly.

"Only if I can bring Shay." he squeals.

Okay. That's it. I am 100% certain that my hand is going to fall off in the next fifteen seconds.

"Whatever." Jack says shaking his head.

I open my mouth ready to yell at Daniel to let go, but the words that come out catch even me, by surprise.


There's a chorus of "What's?" but I don't even register it because I'm too happy the blood in my wrist is circulating again. Daniel laughs covering his mouth until he realises I'm rubbing my wrist. His jaw drops and he mouths sorry as he bites hard on his lip. I wave him off.

"Uh, I think I'm going to pass-" Corbyn starts but is interrupted by a yelling Jack.

"DONE. FINE. WHATVER!" He shrieks and Zach laughs as he places Jacks chewed up pen next to his face, comparing the colour which was strikingly on point.

Jonah is on the verge of tears as he almost falls out of his seat from laughing at Jack's reaction.

Daniel is laughing so hard that no noise is coming out of him, he claps at odd intervals and the whole sight is just comical.

Mr Kirkman stands up.

"Seniors, Its four o'clock!" He calls excitedly earning a cheer from Daniel.

Zach picks up his school bag, "Ay sir, same time next week?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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