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"Got movement at twelve o'clock 300 meeters, three guys on the roof ", the guy said as he looked at his sniper scope. "Are they armed?", the guy to his right asked as he loaded his gun,"I don't know." "That's a Simple fucking question jack!", the solder said in a pissed voice.

"That's not the question you asked, the question you asked was if they were on the Edge, the answer to that one is I don't fucking know!", jack said in anger. "Quit your biching! And Alex the answer to your question is that there armed or else they be running, So everyone be on your gaurd they can fire any time soon!", the Sargent said as he as he get ready to shoot. "Yes! Sargent sirod!", Alex & jack shoted as they get ready to shoot. "Jack! Get the fuck down!", sirod yelled as he sensed a bulit come towards tray, "Everyone! Start fucking shooting!."

Jack did what he was told and ducked down, when a built went sright into the wall behind him. " Sargent! You just saved my life", tray said in aww as he was amazided on how sirod saw that coming. "Thank me later when we win this war solder", sirod said as he keept shooting & reloading his guns.

"What the fuck is going on up there?!", one of the guys that was on the ground bellow them shoted. "Cover!", sirod yelled as he reloaded. Then bame on of the enimes fall's dead to the ground. "Great shoot jack!", Alex said as he kept shooting. "Jack! Do what ever you did again!", sirod yelled as he kept shooting. Jack felt a wave of proundness over come him as he got praise by sargent sirod, "on it sir!".  Then sirod shoot the other guy down "one more!", he yelled as he kept firing. "Fuck yeah!", Alex said in joy as there were so close to wining.

Then every thing become quite "nice job boys", sirod said as he lowerd his gun when he got shot by the side of his helmet. "Sargent! Are you alright?!", jack said in a worred voice. "Yeah im fine, Everyone! Start fucking shooting!", sirod ordered as he got up and started shooting. "Those fuckers won't go down!", Alex said in a pissed voice. "Fuck this shit!", sirod said as he got up and started leaving. "Were the fuck are you going?!", jack yelled as looked at sirod. "Jack your fucking in charge while I'm gone!", sirod yelled as he ran down from the roof. "Hey dont do that!" "What the hell your thinking?!" "this is fucking suiced man!" "Get back here sargent!" the solders yelled as they watched sirod leave there hide out.

Sirod starred doing a ruck march (a/n: a joge like march). ' I better hurry the fuck up', sirod thought as he looked around makeing sure his surandings were clear before heading to the building were his team was firing at. Sirod reached the building with percation and spoted the last guy on the roof. "It's now or never", sirod thought as he fired his gun and shot the guy dead. Sirod went inside the building to make sure there Were no there, when he spotted 3 children hudle together but, what disterded him the must was the fact that a dead body was laying across from them.

"Whats your names?", sirod said as he cruched down in front of them. "I'm oliver", the oldest of the children said as he potted to the other two at his sides "there names are sally & sam".

"What are you lot doing here?", sirod said as he sat down. "We were kidnapped by them and we dont know were are family are", Sally said as she felt they could trust him. Then the grumbling of there stomick could be heard, "here", sirod said as he handed them snake & water he had in his backpack.

"195 sargent reply in", the walkie-talkie said as sirod answer it. "Were the fuck are you man?!", the vice of Alex could be heard. "Relax im in the building that you guys are shooting at and seize fire I killed the other guy and I have children with me, over", sirod said as he hunged up "Come on follow me, i'm get you guys to safety.".

- time skip -

"Hey, Alex what's going to happen to the kids", sirod asked as they watched the damage contral troops helping out people and loading theam into trucks. "They be sent to an orphanage since they cant find there parent", Alex said in a sad voice knowing it's quite a tuchy subject for sirod.

"Not if I have anything to do with it", sirod said as he walked towards then but to only be stoped by jack grabing his arm. "You do know you would have to retire!", jack said in a concerned voice as for the military doesn't accept a person who's a single parent to join the army. "I know that but I want to be there for them, I don't want them to go through what I did, pulse I lost my hearing in my right ear", sirod said as he pushed passed them. "American may have won the war, but they lost a fuck good as sargent", Alex said as for he felt a new form of recpect for sirod.


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