Chapter One: How It All Began

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Bold- author's mini notes/comments
Italics- the characters actions/thoughts
Underline- prologue/intro
Bold underline- p.o.v.'s/timeskips
Bold Italics- To Be Continued/ ⚠️ IMPORTANT/WARNING ⚠️


  Sarah was all but an average girl. She had brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and an ok personality. At least, that was before the "incident".

   It all happened when she was 4. She was waiting to be picked up from school, since she was too young to walk home by herself. She waited and waited. . . and waited. Yet no one seemed to have come to pick her up. Sarah was then called to walk back into the school, as it was getting dark.

   Hesitantly she walked back to the school and was led to the office by a security guard. Sarah, being the young child she was, thought she was in trouble. Well. . . she wasn't too far from the truth. The security guard knocked on the door, "Come on in!" A sweet voice called out. She, the security guard, opened the door and said, "Here's the child whose parent or guardian have yet to come pick her up." When Sarah walked in she saw a nice looking lady sitting at the front desk.

   The lady looked at her and introduced herself. "Hello, little one, I am Ms. Dulina. You are. . ?"  As she waited expectedly Sarah was confused. "Sigh what's your name dear?" "S-Sarah" she stuttered out. "Ok then, Sarah, please sit on one of the bean bag chair while I call your parents." By then the security guard had left, and Sarah turned to the bean bag chairs and sat on the orange one since orange is her favorite color.

Ms. Dulina's p.o.v.

   As I searched for her parents number I only found an address. I looked up and asked the girl, "Do you know your parents number?" When she looked up she looked confused and sorrowful. "N-No. . . I don't" "Do you know the way to your house?" She nodded her head yes. "Mhm!" "Ok then. I'll take you home. Let me just go and tell the principal. Ok?" "Ok!" I chuckle at her excitement and stood up to tell the principal.

Timeskip: ten minutes later

   As I'm driving her home, I notice how plain her neighborhood is. All the houses are either beige or a tan like color. "Which house is yours?" "That one!" She points to a tan house with a red door(all the other doors are white, beige, light brown, or yellow).

To Be Continued

This is a new book I'm writing. I'll try to update but it won't be consistent because of 1. School 2. My ability to procrastinate even tho I try not to 3. Possible sleep in's (insomnia is a real bitch huh?) 4. I might not be feeling well due to my on and off depression. Anyways, I hope u enjoyed the first chapter! Peace ✌️

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