Chapter 2

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3rd Person Pov

The jet landed having (y/n) and Steve walk off. Widow walked over and nodded a hello. Coulson smiled. "Agent Romanoff, Captian Rogers." Steve smiled. "Ma'am." (y/n) waved and took her phone out playing flappy bird. "Hi." She turned towards Coulson. "They need you on the bridge, They're starting the face-trace." He smiled and started walking off. "See you there." (y/n) waved towards him and turned back to her brother. "He seems cool." Steve rolled his eyes and they started walking with Widow. "It was quite the buzz around here, finding you both in ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you guys to sign his Captain America cards yet?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "Trading cards?" She nodded. "There vintage. He's very proud." He nodded and looked away spotting Dr. Banner. "Dr. Banner!" He turned towards them and walked over. "Oh, yea hi." He shook Steve's hand and shook (y/n)'s. "They told me you both would be coming." He nodded. "Word is you can find the cube?" Banner shrugged. "Is that the only word of me?" Steve nodded. "Only word I care about." Banner nodded and looked around. "Must be strange for you, all of this." Steve shrugged and looked around. "Well, This is all familiar." Both males walked ahead while (y/n) and Widow walked behind them. " does it feel being the strongest woman?" (y/n) shrugged and turned off her phone placing it in her back pocket. "To be honest...weird." Widow chuckled and turned towards the boys. "Gentlemen, you might want to step inside a minute, It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." Both males looked at each other and walked over to the edge and looked down. "Hey is this a submarine?" Widow shook her head. "No's not." He nodded and backed up a bit causing (y/n) to laugh. "Not funny." She continued to laugh causing him to cross his arms. Banner shook his head. "No Steve...this is much worse." 


They all walked inside and down the hallway and onto the deck. The three looked around seeing people typing on computers. Fury turned around macing the three. "Gentlemen...and woman." (y/n) snapped her fingers and sat down at the table. Steve handed him a ten dollar bill and walked away. Fury smirked and placed it in his jacket pocket. He walked over towards Banner and shook his hand. "Doctor, thank you for coming." Banner looked towards the side. "Thanks for asking nicely...So how long am I staying?" Fury clapped his hands together. "Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, You're in the wind." Banner nodded and looked to the side. "Where are you with that?" Coulson walked over crossing his arms. "We're sweeping ever wireless accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops, if it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us." Widow bent down on her knees and looked down towards a computer. "That's still not gonna find them in time." Banner nodded. "You have to narrow your field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" Fury crossed his arms. "How many are there?" Banner took off his jacket. "Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof, and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition Al least we could rule out a few places...Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Fury nodded. "Agent Romanoff! could you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory please?" She nodded and walked away with him. Steve sat next to (y/n) who's phone was blaring. "What are you watching?" She smirked Dextor's Laboratory." 


(y/n) sighed grabbing a glass of wine from the waiter. She pressed the button on her earpiece. "So...what type of guy am I looking for?" Black widow sat in the jet just above a building. She started typing on the keyboard and up popped a picture. "He has shoulder length slick black hair, coal eyes, ya know you're typical bad boy gone wrong." (y/n) nodded rolling her eyes. "And what did you say his name was?" Black widow smirked. "Loki." (y/n) giggled a bit. "Sounds cute." Steve rolled his eyes. "Really? We're not here to see cute guys (y/n)." She held up her hands in defense. "Aye, Sooner or later I'm going to find me a nice man and settle down in a nice house~" He growled causing Widow to sigh. "Steve shut up! She needs to focus!" "NOW YOU LISTEN HERE-crack-OW." "Shut up so she can work!" He groaned loudly causing (y/n) to bust out laughing. "(y/n) he's coming down the stairs!" She nodded and walked towards the stairs and paused. There he stood at the top in all his glory. His hair was slicked back and stayed in place. She looked at his beautiful god-like features. He was a god to behold. He looked around the room. His lips curved slowly into a smirk. He slowly walked down and looked for his target. (y/n) pressed the button on her earpiece. "I found him...And he is ravishing." Steve growled about to yell only for widow to kick his leg again. (y/n) laughed and checked her make-up and slowly walked towards him. "What's a handsome man like you doing here alone?" He turned towards the side with a raised eyebrow only to paused. There she stood in her black sleeved dress. Her hair was curled and towards the side. And there on her exposed neck was a gold necklace. Her crystal blue eyes looked towards him causing him to blush. He then coughed and stood up straight. "My my...What a treasure to behold." He bent down and kissed her hand causing her to blush and smile. "May I ask what your name is?" She smiled. "(y/n)." He smiled and walked her towards the bar. "May I ask of your name?" He smiled and waved over the Waiter. "It's Loki." She smiled. "Cute name." He blushed and nodded. "Two bloody mary's please." The waiter nodded and left. "Now then...Tell me why you are here alone." He smirked and sat down on the stool. "Well...I like to show off on the ladies and show them what they're missing." She covered her mouth and giggled. "Keep him stalled (y/n)." Black widow said through her earpiece. "So tell me about yourself." He smiled and took a sip of his drink. "Well, for starters...I am of royalty." She looked at him surprised. "You're royalty? a prince?" He nodded. "Well...almost like a king." She nodded. "Well you're you want to accompany me on the dance floor?" He smiled and took her hand in his. "My pleasure." They both stood up and walked to the middle of the dance floor. He bowed causing her to laugh and bow as well. He smiled and took her hand in his and placed the other on her waist. "HE'S BEING TO TOUCHY!"-crack-"AAOW!" (y/n) chuckled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now what's so funny?" She looked away blushing. "A-Ah...nothing." He nodded and spun her around causing her to gasp slightly. "Now that's a funny face to see." She giggled causing him to smile. "I have no idea what it is but." He spun her around and held her waist tighter bringing her closer. "There's something about you." She rose an eyebrow. "About me? There's nothing interesting about me." He smirked. " beg to differ." She blushed and smiled looking away while a clone of him shot out of his back and walked away. "Well, what about you?" He rose an eyebrow. "About me?" She nodded. "There has to be something interesting about you." He chuckled and looked down. "...Well...hmm...There is nothing interesting about me." She raised an eyebrow and laughed. "There has to be something interesting about you. How is your family?" He looked up and thought for a moment. "Well." He spun her again and smirked. "I do have a brother. He's highly annoying." They both laughed and continued dancing. "I do have a father and mother like everyone else." She laughed. "Like everyone else has a king and queen for a mother and father." He laughed and sighed. "Yes...I guess that is true...But I have one thing to ask." She rose an eyebrow. "Well, good sir...What is you're question?" He laughed and dipped her causing her to blush. "Will you be my queen?" She blushed and gasp. "W-What?" She heard screaming and turned to the side seeing a bunch of people run out. "What's going on-" He kissed her lips causing everything in her mind to explode. He pulled away and smiled. "Such soft lips." She blushed and he brought her back to her feet. "Now then...follow me." He turned away from her and walked away. "Guys. Secure outside. I think someone caused a panic." Black widow nodded. "Roger that." (Y/n) nodded and followed him towards the bar. "Please...have a seat, my dear." She glared towards the floor and sat down on the chair. He looked behind her and smirked. "What? Do I have something on my face?" He shook his head. "No...nothing like that." He held up a finger and a person jumped from behind her and wrapped her in chains. "W-What the?! Let me go!" He smirked and motioned for the person to leave. "Sorry... I can't do that my dear." He smirked and brought a smaller chair over and sat in front of her. "Now then." He slowly slid his hand under her leg and slowly but gently brought it closer to her face. "W-What are you doing?!" He smirked and kissed her leg sending shivers up her spine. "What a-are you d-doing?" He smirked. "Treating you like a goddess, a queen. I'm treating you like a prize." She blushed madly and looked to the side. "T-This is b-bad-" He rose an eyebrow. "Bad? I'd rather thought you would enjoy this." He kissed up her leg towards her thigh. "I-I-Ah~" He smirked. "Do you want me to continue?" Before she could answer the doors busted open revealing Captian America, Iron Man, and Black Widow. Ironman and Black widow looked towards each other. "I'm sorry are we interrupting something?" Loki rolled his eyes. "Yes, you were." Steve growled and was about to run towards him but Widow chopped the back of his head causing him to pass out. "Now come with us silently." Loki raised up his hands in defeat having Black Widow place the power restricted handcuffs on him. Ironman melted the chains off (y/n) having her sigh in relief. "Thanks." He nodded and turned towards Steve. "...Is he going to be ok?"


Steve crossed his arms and glared towards Loki. "I still don't understand why you chained up his ankle with (y/n)'s wrist." Black Widow rolled her eyes. "Because she's the only one who Loki wouldn't kill," Loki smirked. "She's right you know," Steve growled and was about to walk towards him only for Ironman to place his hand on his chest stopping him. "Hey calm down alright? He's just trying to get under your skin." He nodded and sighed leaning back on the wall. "When we get back I wanna take a shower." (y/n) said playing a game on her phone while eating a bag of popcorn. "Where did you get the popcorn?" She looked up towards Stark. "Where did you get that Hennessey bottle?" He crossed his arms. "To shay." Just then a booming sound was heard causing Loki to jump and start sweating. Iron Man crossed his arms and faced towards him. "What? Scared of a little lightning?" He shook his head. "No, I'm more afraid of what follows." (y/n) raised an eyebrow. "What follows?" Just then something landed on the jet having it shake. "Ooh, shit..." (y/n) mumbled along with Stark. He walked over opening the back door of the plane. A blond man with a hammer landed on the door and walked inside. "Alright put your hands u-" He twirled his hammer and threw it at him sending him flying back. He looked towards Loki and glared. "Get up." He held up his hands in defense. "I'm her." He pointed towards (y/n) having her look at him in disbelief. "So you're putting the blame on me?! You're the one who's doing bad and needs to be chained up!" He smirked and scooted closer towards her. "And I'm was you." She blushed and crossed her arms looking away. Thor placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and pulled him back. She turned to look at the brother and sweated as he looked at her intently. "Um...Hi?" He suddenly fell to his knees and grasped her hand in his. "You are the most beautiful creature that ever existed." She blushed and smiled awkwardly while swishing her hand. "Psh stop. No, I'm not." He nodded and stood onto his feet and wrapped his arm around her waist. "When I look at you I see roses and angels. When I look at you I see nothing else...When I look at're the only thing I see." She blushed and smiled putting her hand up to her mouth. Loki looked in between both of them and glared towards Thor. He kicked him in the leg having him faceplant onto the floor. He stood up and pushed (y/n) behind him. "She's mine foolish brother." Steve who had been frozen the whole time snapped out of his murderous trance and glared pointing a finger towards Loki. "Now you listen here!" Thor stood up pushing Steve back. "She doesn't deserve you, brother. You're too evil and twisted minded." He smirked placing his face in her hair then moved it to the crook of her neck. "Only for her," Thor growled and grabbed Loki's neck and wrapped his arm around (y/n) waist and jumped out of the airplane. Both of them screamed and held onto Thor for dear life. 

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