Chapter 1

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I awoke to a sharp pain in my head. I squeeze my eyes shut as I quickly winced from the impact. Well what a great way to wake up! After leaning back into the seat I finally opened my eyes.

"YES YES YES " I shout as I fist bumped the air above my head.

I was finally here at UA University. There was a knock at my door before it opened. The short slightly overweight bald cab driver had one of his hands situated on the handle of my dark green suitcase while the other hand was outstretched in front of him. I was under the impression he was going to help me out of the cab so I quickly grasped his hand and tried to pull myself out. I tumble back in to the seat with a confused expression on my face. When I went to pull myself out of the car he let go of my hand. Why would he do that? With a harsh tone in his voice he said

" Hey kid what on Earth do you think you're doing? I'm not some limo driver. Don't suppose you thought I was going to lift you out of the car like you were famous or something. I just wanted my money."

I was quick to reply. "Uh oh right yeah here you go I'm sorry about that." I stuttered red evidence on my face.

The cab driver grunted a quick "thanks" as I gave him the money. I was now finally out of the cab with my suitcase in hand heading towards my dream University. I glanced around in awe at everything about this place. There was a giant Courtyard that had grass so green it put my hair to shame. And on that grass their was blankets everywhere and there were just students sitting making conversation between each other, and some were even playing cards. There weren't as many trees as I was hoping. A couple were placed here and there around the yard. The school itself was simply empowering. It was very tall, and very wide. My head was turning in every direction as I tried to take in every detail about this place. I begin to walk towards the huge Double Wide Doors that would take me inside of the University. When I was suddenly stopped by a boy with blue hair that laid against his head. And glasses that seemed to shine brighter than the sun.

He spoke with concern laced in his voice. "Hey um are you okay?" He questioned

I stared at him blankly. Why would he ask me that? I don't feel any different. I raise my hand to my forehead and quickly checked my temperature. I didn't feel hot. So without a response I just started up at him. With a questioning glance.

Till he spoke again. "I'm sorry I guess you are fine. You were just mumbling to yourself. Like you were mumbling a lot. I had myself believing you could be having some sort of panic attack. Are you sure you're okay?"

I quickly responded. "Yeah yeah I'm good I just tend to mumble to myself a lot. Especially when I'm deep in thought. But uh yeah thanks for asking." I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"Oh" he said shooting his hand out at me. I grasped it and shook his hand firmly.  I turned around as I felt a ball rolling against my feet. Picking it up and tossing it back at a group of people that were I guess playing some werid form of catch.? I Heard someone yell "Lida come back" when I turned back around the guy was gone. 
After that encounter I quickly made my way inside of the building. On the inside it looked like a simple University would. I finally found the receptionist desk. It took all of 5 minutes for me to successfully have in hand both my class schedule and my new dorm room key.
It took me about 30 minutes to finally locate my room. I slid the key right in to the keyhole. Turning it slightly I pushed open the door. To my genuine surprise the person from earlier was bent over one bed un packing a suitcase. I quickly knocked on the already open door to draw his attention towards me. Once he glanced in my direction he did a quick double take before standing up tall. His shoulders back. With a smile on his face as he waved at me.

"Hey it's you form earlier. Nice to see that were roommates this year. I'm Tenya Lida it's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled at me.

"Hi my name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you. Uhh I take it that bed is mine then?" I asked pointing to the bed across the room.

"Ah yes I hope you don't mind me taking this one?" He asked hand outstretched towards his bed.

"Nope." I answered while smiling.

I took the key out of the keyhole. Closed  the door and draged my suitcase to the other end of the room. After about 30 minutes of emptying out the continents of my suitcase I was more than ready for a nap. By this time Lida had left to go hang out with friends. I turned the lights off, and closeed the blinds. Afterwards I put my headphones in and crawled into my new bed. I close my eyes dreaming of all the great things that would come from going to this University.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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