The love's residance 5:45 pm
"Ugh where is she at its almost time for her to meet her sister?" Rose said "Well she can't be far maybe she's at your parents graves mourning over them" Midnight said trying to calm his wife down from a panic attack. They both go out with Rose holding little Katelyn in her arms keeping her warm. "heh she looks like her mother just like a rose just blooming waiting for water to help her." Midnight said "Oh shush it Mr.i love my wife to much." Rose said. "HEY! Atleast it's true Rose." Mdnight said.
~ivy's POV~
"Where am I, this isn't grandma and grandpa's graves at all and why do I smell blood" Ivy said scared and worried about where her parents are. "Please tell me one thing" ??? said trying to persuade Ivy into telling her family secret. "No, only my family needs to know the secret not you" Ivy said to keep the secret between her family. "I'll tell you my family's secret if you tell me yours" ??? said. "NO I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU!?" Ivy said trying not to show something.
~to be continued~

sequal to ~cat day~
Fantasyjust a second part but the three characters are diffrent in a way