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Morning-12:00 pm
Location- SCHOOL
Finally today everything is over between me and nandini. She left the school with the T.C certificate.  She was crying alot . While moving out of the principal office. I was watching her for the last time standinding behind the left wink of our school. Seeing her hurt becoz of me and my rude behaviour . Made me cry too. Becoz i love her a lot. And before i can confess my feelings out for her everything is finish in front of my own eyes. I can't do anything to stop her or this distruction of my own love life. I know am being coward . To not let my feelings or condition out to her. At least a small conversation to solve this puzzle in my mind. So that the burning sensation of my heart would be less. But i coudn't went to ask her help to solve all this and make me free from the guilt of my mistake. That i made today by letting my love go away from me. The hateful eyes of her are only for me. I made her hate me . So that i can find the one night stand girl. Whom i fell in love the first time i meet her in the club. But why am feeling hurt seeing nandini like this. If i had feelings for that girl . Then all this shoudn't come to my mind.  Am i really in love with her. Uff!!! This is so confusing.  I just hope all this tears of mine wash away becoz soon am gonna find that girl. But what about me and nandini? I love her. And the connection i feel with her is different and unique. Is it possible that nandini can be the same girl whom i meet in the club and am in love with her. No it can't be possible. If i would then nandini could have told me about it. But she didn't say anything to me.  What if she is waiting for me to confess my love for her.  But this can't happen becoz she away from me now. Somewhere still i love her . And i think i did a mistake by letting my love go for my unknown girl. Am sorry nandini this is all my fault. I coudn't  give u what u deserve still i pray for u to found ur true love and forget me and live a happy life......

Here is the next part....

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Am sorry to all my readers....

Am late this time.....

# Sukanya

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