Chapter Five: ~3 Months Later~

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Chapter Five: ~3 Months Later~

(Jean's POV)

It's be about a week and I haven't seen ___ around, I hope she's okay. I walk out of my dorm and head down to the mess hall to eat my lunch, and I see Marco ahead, so I catch up with him. "Hey Marco! Have you seen ___ around lately?"
"She's not my girlfriend, I wouldn't know."
"Damn it Marco!"

___ and I have been dating for about 3 months and everything was going smoothly, until she got bullied, now they're my enemy! That bully was Sasha; motherfucking Potato Girl! Like honestly, who the fuck would do something so bad to someone where they want to kill themselves?! I guess Sasha does! And yet, the most sad thing was that ___ said that it wasn't her first time getting bullied, and she'll get use to it! No, it doesn't work that way! Which reminds me, I better check her dorm again.

I run to ___'s dorm and knock wildly on her door. No answer. 'Fuck woman!' I try to budge the door open, but it was locked. I sighed and whispered ___'s name through the door, hoping she'd hear me and open up, nothing. I sighed again and left to go get something to eat. As I made my way downtown the mess hall, Sasha spotted me, I tried to give her the dirtiest look, but it wasn't as bad as I wanted it to be. She smiled and came skipping towards me. I tried to get away but she caught my arm. As you all know, Sasha has a major crush on me, not I try to tell her off but she keeps coming back for more.

"What do you want Sasha?"
I grunt, "Again, like I said before, I don't want you! I want my ___ back!" I shove her off of my arm, and run to the mess hall to see Marco. I walked in casually and grabbed my food, I found Marco and I sat down beside him. I start eating and then I hear the door burst open. I look up and see ___, in pajamas, and an angry face. She spotted me, I smiled. She didn't smile back, she came walking fast towards me.
'Oh shit...'

(Normal POV)

You have been depressed for about 1 month now, and you started cutting again. No one knows that you do this or ever did this, besides your long lost best friend. You lost her in the expedition you were on, and the most scariest and most painful experience was seeing your best friend get stomped on and eaten by a motherfucking Titan. You watched it, and wanted to help, but someone pulled you away to safety, and that someone was your boyfriend Jean. You couldn't believe him, just let (best friend's name) to suffer.

Just thinking back to that memory was so hard on you, you couldn't stop the tears. Then, had to come along Sasha and make it worse. She would bully you saying that; you were a fat piece of shit, didn't deserve to live, and should die from loneliness. At first, you were like whatever, but after she kept saying it over and over, you had enough and started to believe everything she said. Jean, on the other hand, didn't. He would get pissed off at her and you for thinking that way. You couldn't help it. So whenever you had the urge to cry, you pulled out your razor blade, and started to cut deeply into your skin. It felt great at first, then you felt guilt. It was never a win-win.

You always sat in your dorm, feeling lonely. You tried to let Jean in but everything was just so hard to take in. You have been puking like it was going out of style, not eating one single bite of anything. You thought you didn't need food, so you just drank water from your sink tap. But, it's been feeling a bit different, almost like pregnant puking, but you didn't want to think like that, even if your belly was a bit bigger than usual, yet if you were pregnant, your baby would probably be unhealthy.

You had to throw up again do you rushed to the bathroom and started puking again. You puked for about 5 minutes then you had enough, you needed answers. You stood up and washed out your mouth and brushed them. You walked out of your dorm quietly and rushed to the Infirmary. You walked in and said you think your pregnant. They have you a shocked look, then brought you to a room. A special doctor came in and he looked pretty cute; what? He sat you down as well as himself.

"So Miss? What's your name?"
"___ ___."
"Okay Miss ___, you said you think you're pregnant?" You nodded. He nodded as well, then told you lie down, you did as you were told. He pulled up your short just above your belly button, then spread this jelly on your stomach(Okay okay, so the checking pregnant part has the modern time stuff, so don't be all confused). You giggled, then stopped.
"Yes, it might be cold." He grabbed his machine thing, then checked around your stomach and stopped when he reached the top middle. He looked up at his screen, and saw a little figure moving inside. He turned to you and you looked worried.

"We'll, by the looks of it, you are 2 months pregnant, but it seems that you haven't had most of your nutrients because your belly is smaller than it's suppose to be. When was the last time you ate something?"
You thought, 'About 3 months ago!' You didn't want to say that but you had to.
"Um, about 3 months ago.." Your voice trailed off.
"Excuse me? That's not good at all! Why is that?"
"B-because I was b-bullied. And still a-am." You looked down.
He sighed, "Sweetie, that isn't good. And it's not good that you were bullied, that horrible. But you should never let a hater(that's right, I used that!:)) get in your way of anything. Especially if you have a baby on the way. Let me call Commander Erwin and well see what we can do about this!"
"No! I mean, please don't, I don't want anyone knowing."
"As you wish. But just remember what I said okay?" You nodded slightly.

He smiled and you cleaned up. You thanked them for telling you and ran towards Jean, who was obviously in the mess hall. Once you got to the door, you rushed in making everyone's eyes on you, and found Jean. He found you as we'll, and he smiled, but you didn't. He stood up and you grabbed his collar, looking him in the eyes, you could tell he was scared.
"You got me fucking pregnant!" You whispered but angry.
"You heard me moron, you got me fucking pregnant!" You spoke a bit louder.
"Uh, oh, you know, you're sort of choking me!"
You choked harder, "Good, because you've pretty much been choking me. Don't tell anyone, or else." You whispered and let go and let him drop to his knees. You rushed out the door and accidentally bumped into Commander Erwin and Captain Levi, or just Levi because you guys were best friends(Petra and the gang are still alive as well).

"Oh, s-so sorry Commander Erwin!" You saluted to your fellow Commander.
He smiled gently to you, "It's fine ___, it's just I haven't seen you around in ages! Where were you?"
"Uh, I was in my dorm, don't know what got into me, but I totally forgot about everything! Sorry for not going on that one expedition and training."
"It's fine, just please don't do it again!" You nodded, then looked over at Levi slightly before you were leaving, he looked shocked and surprised. You nodded to him as well then left.
You ran down to your dorm and slide down to the ground, "I can't believe I'll have to train again! Fuck!" You looked over at your bed where your blade was left, "I can't, I can't!" You were wrong, so you stood up, grabbed it, then say back down on the floor. You stared at it, then, like you always do, you lifted your sleeve to your black dress shirt, then drove the blade to your skin.
"WHY ME?!" You yelled!

(Jean's POV)

Once I was done eating my soup, ___ rushed in making everyone's eyes on her, and found me. I found her as we'll, and I smiled, but she didn't. I stood up and she grabbed my collar, looking me in the eyes, she probably could tell I was a bit scared. "You got me fucking pregnant!" She whispered but angry.
"You heard me moron, you got me fucking pregnant!" She spoke a bit louder.
"Uh, oh, you know, you sort of choking me!"
She choked harder, "Good, because you've pretty much been choking me! Don't tell anyone, or else." She whispered let go and let me drop to my knees. She rushed out the door leaving me there.
'Why the hell did she do that? She's just pregnant. Wait, PREGNANT!' I stood up quickly before Sasha could get to me.

I opened the door to find Commander Erwin and Levi about to walk in. "Sorry Commander and Levi. But did you see where ___ went?"
"She went back to her dorm, she looked angry, what's up with her?"
"Uh, not, not sure. That's why I'm going to check on her, yeah."
'Yay! That's it!' I mentally high five myself. I was about to walk off when they both grabbed me by the arms, "What the hell?" I tried to get loose.
"Tells us the truth, Kirschtein!" It was Levi speaking now.
"Argh! No! I can't!"
"Why can't you?!"
"Because she's pregnant!" I yelled.
"What!?" Levi dropped my one arm. Erwin had my other one still.
"Did you get her pregnant Jean?" Erwin said calmly.
"Yes. Now please let me go!" He did so, and I fell, I got back up. I ran towards ___'s door and saw a bit of blood trickling outside her door.
"___!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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