Part 1

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"No way I'm wearing this tie!" he said throwing the pink bow tie his mother gave him in his twentieth birthday on his bedroom floor folding his arms with a pout.

"What did you just say? and you dared to throw the gift I gave you." eyes burning with anger met his scared ones and without uttering any other word he rushed wearing it with shaking hands afraid that his mother will explode on him,

"Sorry mommy." Elli sniffled as he turned to look at the mirror fixing his tie and rubbing his teary grey eyes, he brushed his black hair for the last time before rushing downstairs to meet his mom's boyfriend,

It's been a month since his mom told them that she has a lover and honestly he was expecting an old man at least at his early 50s as his mom was 47 years old but when the door opened to reveal a breath taking man with a bouquet of white jasmine flowers in his hand, his sight made all the seven sibillings that were waiting in front of the door in daze,

The females stare at the handsome man longingly ready to tear their clothes and get down on all fours if he just glanced at them,

He's way younger than their mother, it was the first thought that came to Elijah's mind when he dared to look at the boyfriend

He was the first man that entered this house beside the men that his sisters sneak in at night when their mom had a night shift and he shyly admitted that he's way more handsome than all those boys, he starts thinking what this man saw in his mother that he's willing to date her, yes she was beautiful with her naturally dark hair and blue eyes, but he always knew that not only the face that matter for a relationship to last, his mother was a demon in a body of an angel.

He didn't realize that he was lost in his thoughts until his older sister nudged him annoyingly and the stranger instantly send her an angry glare when he saw the slight pain that covered the angel's face, he didn't know why but he felt an overwhelming weight on his heart when the beautiful man grimaced.

He was the first person his eyes landed on, he forgot Kathryn his girlfriend or the funny expressions the girls wore he just focused all his attention on the way he bites his full lips as his beautiful grey eyes lost focus deep in thoughts.

The boy stared at his sister then at his surrounding and immediately the blush covered his cheeks when he found that all eyes were on him waiting impatiently for him to shake the extended hand in front of him

"My name's Julian nice to meet you." The voice reached his ears and he unwillingly starts shaking, he tried so hard to control his heart as it's beating crazily, and he hesitate at first, but the fake cough from his mother made him forget all his nervousness, not daring to upset her any longer he grabbed the big hand that gently squeezed his engulfing him in the warmth that he rarely felt in this big house.

He met the man blue's eyes and his lips starts shaking with the amount of emotions that these orbs held, hurriedly he pulled back his hand speaking in an audible whisper "I need to go to the bathroom." and leaving, his familly staring at him in anger as Julian in confusion of the ocean of new feelings that occupied him he should feel like that when he met eyes with Kathryn not her son

He headed to the big leaving room following the girls wearing a frown trying so hard to forget what happened but the big grey eyes kept appearing in his mind, the girlfriend took one glance at Julian in she immediately went to the bathroom

He felt disgusted, he's disgusting, how could he think like that about a man, and exactly his mother's man, he tried to mufflle his sobs as he splashed water rapidly on his face, if he didn't go back right now she'll be definitely angry on him and that the last thing Elijah wants, he glanced at his reflection as he passed the mirror reaching the handle when the door opened roughly pushing him behind, he stumbled but he quickly gained his balance hands pinning him to the wall as they clunch painfully on his neck

"Why do you always embarrass me? Do you want him to leave me you ungrateful brat? I raised you I took care of you and that's how you rewarded me?" She spat her words as she kept squeezing hardly, she always loved the sight of him in pain and tears covering his face so she just watched him as he starts shaking his head fighting for breath, he didn't dare to try and release himself he always knew it'll just double the punishement.

He relesed a shaky breath before he lost conscious, leaving him lying on the bathroom floor she headed back to her guest,

"Elijah is feeling unwell so please just start eating." She lied smoothly sitting on the empty chair squeezing herself beside Julian, he felt guilty and a little disappointed, is it something he did? but what he did? They just shook hands.

The only voice that could be heard was the noice of forks and knifes as they eat in silence and god knows how much Kathryn hated this, she expected him to ask her about her life more and praise her for her cooking even if she just ordered it, she even tried to whisper in his ear if he wants to spend the night here but he just grimaced suddenly hating the idea, he declined politely having to work early the next morning, he wasn't totally lying, yes he has to go to work but not always early when you're the CEO, but he just couldn't when his entire mind clouded by Elijah

And she knew it, he's making excuses, he's avoiding her, but he didn't know that he's just putting Elijah in more pain.

Hope you like it


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