Part 4.

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"Open the door!"

His heart jumped from its place and he almost squealed like a little girl just from hearing the amount of anger and rage the voice carried, he knows he has no time to waste or to freak out، he only has two options, jump out of the window and risk getting caught and killed especially now when they know his plan, or get back in and pretend he is taking a shower,

And he decided the latter, he hurriedly starts stripping, removing his shirt as fast as he can, he starts to unbelt his pants when the door thrown open and angry footsteps marged inside, he tried to act suprised and he starts to hide his half naked self from the menacing eyes as he wrapped his arms around himself, if Leone wasn't too furious he'll probably enjoy the beauty of this body, but unfortunately for Elijah he's angry, really angry, he couldn't believe when a guard informed him that he saw someone stuck his head out of his bathroom's window, he immediately knew that it was the boy, he tried to escape after all what he did for him, he could let his men have their ways with him in that dirty alley but No! he wants to treat him like a human but the ungrateful brat just spit on his face,

And with a swift movement he locks his fist in Eli's wild curls pulling him hard he falls on his knees, the boy tried to wiggle out of the painful grip but Leone was having none of it

He shut his ears blocking the whimpers and pleads and just pulled harder until they were both next to the tube, and with no hesitation he dove his head inside and the cold water stole Eli's breath, he struggles to be freed, pushing and shoving, nails digging deeply into the hand drowning him, air bubbles filling the tube as thousand of apologies escaped him, his body screams for oxygen but he kept fighting to live, and when he was ready to take a breath and let the water fill his lungs, the angry man pulled his head a hard glare fixed on his face as he watched the wet boy's breath come on gasps, and before words of pleas and forgiveness could be uttered his head went back and the fighting for a breath begins

Leone wasn't sure of how many times his hand pushed and pulled, but he was sure that the beautiful boy learned his lesson, incoherent words leaving his trembling lips, tears and water spilled down his face, his trembling hands clutching at the boss's leather jacket afraid that he would push his head again,

seeing the pretty boy hug him for life and his wet lashes blink repeatedly whenever he tried to pull away made his heart beat, he rocked him slowly hands patting his naked back, never did he felt bad about someone so he doesn't know what to do, he just engulfs Elijah in his embrace as he sobbed,

Eli thought that the abuse he received from his mother was the worst, but the terror he felt today and the near death experience made a scared sob escape his trembling lips, and the tightening of the arms around him increased, if he experienced this just in his first day here he was sure he'll be dead in the end of this week, he promised he'll be a good boy until he find a way out

He felt his body being carried and thrown into a soft mattress, he tried to cover himself as cold wind nibbled on his wet skin but the boss was having none of it, the cover was tossed aside and he felt the boss eyes at his wet shaking figure and a rough hand grasping his chin and almost shattering it to pieces

"Hide from me again and I'll hide you in a place where you can't see the light! Am I understood?" His sharp feature and piercing eyes and the harsh words didn't scare Eli at the slightest but he felt little goosebumps spreading on his body and his heart beating excitedly and that scared the shit out of him, and instead of answering he gaped at the waiting man who didn't hesitate to straddle and shake him roughly

"I won't repeat myself!" Eyes red and fist clinching ready to leave deadly injuries if it not of the cute sight in front of him

Eyes wide open staring at his closed hand, head shaking and making his wet hair all over the place, a silence yes leaving his trembling lips as his small hands on Leone chest pushing him away

And this is how Galia the maid found them after she knocked many times on the door but there was no reply, one on top of the other staring at each other's eyes, she watched as the rised fist turned to a soft hand brushing Ellijah's cheeks up to his wet curls, a smile almost made it to her lips at the sweet moment but as quickly as it comes it disappeared,

Leone pulled the pretty boy's hair and threats leaving his mouth again as the boy whined and pleaded, she ment to ask him what they want for breakfast but she just closed the door leaving the two of them in their world

A sly smile plastered on her face, the boy wasn't here for a complete twenty-four hours but the boss already losing his mind, acting like having a bipolar disorder,

He didn't even know she was there! What a special kid!


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