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Lilly's POV:

Monday morning, I always dread going to school, I do like it now and then but... I don't know.

Brad thought it would be nice if we walked to school together.

I met up with him this morning under an enormous Willow tree, it's the most beautiful tree I've ever seen, I love the way that its leaves are on a vine-like sort of branch, the way that the the branches hang over the glistening water of the lake. This was an amazing scenery, I will never forget.

Our footsteps made a soft rhythm, there was a silence, it wasn't uncomfortable. We always feel comfortable together "So... we're here pretty early, should we sit on the brown wooden benches over there?" he pointed out a lovely mahogany bench near the field "Yeah, sure" we sat down for a while having a couple of nice conversations about work in school and just walking to school together more often, I watched his beauty, his soft brown eyes, curly brown hair, and admiring his lovely Birmingham accent... He is breath taking. We stood up immediately as we heard the loud ring of the bell. "Well we best go to our lessons" he spoke in complete sarcasm, I liked that. We walked further down the corridor to first lesson, mine is Art his is Science, they're in the same block so we walked together.

I felt a heavy force push against my shoulder "Excuse me, do you want to apologize for that honey?" a tall blonde girl dressed in pink head to toe was talking down on me. "You pushed me though..." I spoke in confusion, she gave me a huge fake smile with hatred in her eyes... I don't even know this girl "Okay. You want to go there..." she gave me a look of pure evil before turning around, she screamed as loud as she could possibly let out "Why did you slap me for?!" she turned to me fake crying whilst everyone stared at me in horror "But I-I didn't..." I was at a panic stage, I was stuttering. Brad looked at her in shock and anger. No. Brad don't you dare... "Shut up you pathetic spoilt little girl, leave my Princess alone... and go to sign up for Drama School. Your acting is horrendous 'honey' " His voice was cold and harsh, he mocked her words and stormed off taking me with him.

"Brad?" I began to speak but I was hardly audible "Leave it, you're far too good for her" he made my heart melt with his kind words, he gave me a soft hug showing comfort "I got to go to lesson, see you later my dear"

I stood in the corridor waving not even noticing that he was already gone. I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions...

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