Chapter 1

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"You may all leave." Our tutor concludes while folding his papers. The students all pack their things before leaving class. I imitate them while adjusting my glasses on my nose. 

As I am about to leave the class, the tutor stops me. "Miss Y/N, can I have a word with you please ?"

I nod. "Of course Mr Lee." 

When I arrive to his desk, he smiles at me. "Congratulations for today's presentation Y/N. It's been a while since I have ever seen such a brilliant work."

The compliment makes me blush. In this place where usually other's behaviour depends on how much you're able to spend in one day or how many influential contacts your parents have, it's quite rare to be judged based on your own value. So having a tutor who doesn't fear for his job and compliments you genuinely on your work is more than a blessing. Sometimes it even makes me tear up. "Thank you so much Mr Lee." I bow gratefully. 

Satisfied he gives me a dismissive gesture. "You may leave. Keep up with the good job." I bow again at the tutor before heading to the cafeteria.

" I bow again at the tutor before heading to the cafeteria

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Such a pretty place, right ?

Hardly surprising since this University is private and all of the people studying here are like the elite of all Asia. Sons and daughters from politicians, businessmen and even celebrities are living here, in a very safe and secure area. 

This place is also quite isolated from any cities in order to  guarantee the students security and we dispose of very luxuous halls of residence in order to spare us from travelling at least one hour every morning and evening each day.
If you ever want or need to attend any event outside of the university, you need to be allowed by the director himself, who will accept it only if your (very rich and influent ) parents are asking him to. Then a driver provided by either the university or your family will take you out and bring you back.

Yeah I know what you think. When you describe it, this place looks almost like a prison. And you may be right considering how strict the rules are here. But when you take into account how expensive the buildings are here, the quality of the food and even more the high level of teaching you may get here, let me tell you it's worth it. Also as long as you follow these rules, you can do pretty much everything you want here.

Personally I have manage to adapt my routine to that place and I think I can consider myself as quite happy. I am cute, hard-working, appreciated by most of the tutors and have always managed so far to stay out of troubles. 

However my social life has always been a bit of a problem. Because of my grades, my glasses and my usual casual style, it took only a few days before people consider me as a total nerd. Plus I have never ever shown off my parents name or bank account or power in order to give them reasons to 'like' me. 

And finally, when I discovered that out of seminars, people were doing nothing but spying each other's movements, spreading gossips and chit-chatting about things that, in the end, did not even make them look smarter, I decided to make a cross on socialising. 

And today as usual, I spend my lunch reading a book while observing my surroundings. Because even if I try to avoid being caught in the infernal network of rumours and gossips, it is always good to remain informed of what's happening here. Just in case something big happens.

And it sometimes happen.

From where I seat, I am able to overhear what's being told by most of the tables in the cafeteria and especially,


These girls are basically the queens in that place

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These girls are basically the queens in that place. Rich, gorgeous, stylish, powerful families and everything. Every girl who enters this uni is dying to be part of their group. The most perfect girl group you'll ever see. 

But when you take a closer look, the reverse part of the medal is quite ugly.
When you're on their good side, these girls can be absolute angels whereas if you displease them in any way, they'll make you live an absolute hell. Ruthless, mean, arrogant, violent, they can make Furies look like God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. 

Unsurprisingly, our university nurse room hosts more injured girls than boys. And whenever there is a new patient in her care, the nurse doesn't even need to ask where it comes from.

TWICE of course.

Sometimes I really feel bad for this woman who has to clean up these bullies' mess without voicing a single complaint, in fears of losing her job.

So far, I have been able to avoid any form of confrontation from them. To sum it up, it's pretty much as if they never knew about me existing in their little kingdom. 

What about seminars ?  You'd say... 

Well, so far, there's always at least two of them in each of my courses. Do they, like in TV series, make the class nerd and top student (aka me) do their homework for them ? I think the only reason why they don't is because they simply don't give a sh*t. Like seriously, if your mommy and daddy have practically bought your diploma already, why spare the effort or the money to make someone do your homework ?
That's why despite this being deeply unfair, I am quite satisfied of this situation since I don't have to do ten assignments per day. I may have morals but I am not a f*cking robot.

The main advantage of eating near by their table at lunch is that it's the best way to be updated about EVERYTHING that happens in that academy. These girls have like eyes and ears everywhere which allows me to gather informations about everything and everyone in this place. Which is always quite useful. 

Today's not exceptional and their table is buzzing like a bee hive. And the most recent news are not of the least important. 

"Have you heard about this one ? Tonight's gonna be her last night and Dani has still no resolved EXO's challenge. Looks like she's gonna be our new toy soon..." Momo smirks devilishly. 

Crazy as she is, she must have already planned all of the atrocities she's gonna experience on her 'toy'.

"Seriously look at her !" Sana snickers. "Such a brainless bitch, she won't ever discover their secret even if her life would depend on it ! And she really thinks that by being such a slut for Kai oppa, she will convince him to tell her !"

"She needs to be taught a lesson !' Tzuyu squeals and her annoying voice sends shivers down my spine. 

I already feel sorry for their next victim who dared to approach what is considered as Tzuyu's private property. She will surely pray she didn't because this nasty little brat won't go easy on her. 

For the moment, the future prey is happily having lunch with her crush, surely not having a single thought about what's awaiting her...

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