Cooking Up A Storm

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(Alternate Reality where no one dies after fighting Ultron and defeating him)

Anya whistled a random tune as she raced around the kitchen, grabbing tools and ingredients to use for dinner. This would be her best Thanksgiving ever, even if it was only the first, because she would get to spend it with her new family (as well as experience an American holiday for the first time). Her thoughts were running wild, trying to think up all the best recipes for each dish. The turkey was already in the oven, green bean casserole ready to go in later. Currently she was preparing the stuffed mushrooms. 'Wait! I'm missing something. Maybe Paprika? No, wait, I already used that...' Just at that moment, Luna walked in, a flat of bacon in her hands. "You kinda forgot this. You need it, or else all the stuffing will come out of the mushrooms." She sniffed, grinning at the delicious smell. "That smells wonderful! Can I help?" "Sure, how good is your cooking?" Anya smirked. Luna put her hands on her hips. "I've been taught by the finest chefs on Luminous. I think I've at least got the basics." She smirked, then did a little happy dance. Usually, her Thanksgivings consisted of whatever she could scrounge up off the streets. Anya smirked wider. "Yeah, but that was Luminous, this is Earth." Luna glared playfully at her. "You doubt my ability?" Anya gave her a deadpan look, all while chopping carrots perfectly and sliding them next to the turkey in three seconds flat. Luna gave her an impressed look, having heard of her ability, but never having actually seen it for herself. Anya raised an eyebrow, grinning. "You really want to compare your cooking with mine?" Luna put her hands on her hips. "Now, I never said that. I'm sure my cooking is almost as good as yours though." She stuck her tongue out playfully. Both girls turned at the sound of footsteps in the doorway. It was Pietro. "Any free samples for your hungry brother, Soră(Sister)?" Both Anya and Luna glanced at each other, before they each grabbed a kitchen utensil, Anya, a frying pan, and Luna, a spatula. They glared at him, holding up the 'weapons' threateningly. He put his hands up and backed off. "I'll just come back when you two leave." He stuck his tongue out before running off, a streak of blue energy left in his wake. As they turned back to the food, Wanda chose that moment to walk in. "Is Pietro bothering you again?" Anya nodded, annoyed. Wanda shrugged, pulling a Coke out of the fridge. "I tried to warn him, but, like always, he chose not to listen." Luna smiled. "Yeah, that sounds like him." Anya huffed. "I swear, he does this on purpose..." "He does, because he is the oldest, so he thinks he can do anything and get away with it." Wanda rolled her eyes. "And even then, he's only a year older than us." She then glanced at her Twin. "I think we better leave. Too many people in the kitchen makes Anya antsy." Anya stuck her tongue out at her, and Wanda did it right back. "But she said I could help. So, I'mma stay." Luna piped up, as the sisters snickered at each other. "You think you can keep up with Anya, Luna? My Draga(Darling) can get extremely competitive..." Wanda grinned slyly as she walked out of the kitchen. Luna just giggled, calling after her. "Why don't you just give me a chance? I just might surprise you." She winked. Anya rolled her eyes playfully. "We'll see Luna. Let's see if you can keep up." "Whatcha want me to do?" "Let's start with the stuffing..." All through the afternoon, the two literally cooked up a storm. Food was everywhere. But it was all worth it to see everyone's faces as they bit into the wonderful meal. Wanda gave her Twin a thumbs up and a wink, along with Pietro. Tony was stuffing his mouth, along with Thor, and pretty much everyone else. "This is even better than our feasts on Asgard. Very well done, Girls." Thor praised. Anya smiled proudly, and nudged Luna, who curtsied, not used to getting compliments like that. Once dinner was done, Anya got up to get some ice cream to go with dessert. But upon opening the fridge, she found the ice cream container empty. She glared over at the others. Out of all of them, Pietro looked the most guilty. Luna saw the look Anya was giving her brother, and offered to go get some more. "I'll just fly over there and be back in a few minutes." So she did. Rocky Road never tasted as good as it did that night, with family.

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