Building a crib but getting side tracked

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Conor POV
The next day Evie had morning sickness and felt like crap so I told her to stay in bed and joe and jack was coming round any minute now to help me with this baby room

"You sure you can do this"Evie said she was worried that I'd give up again like yesterday

"I've got it Gorgeous don't you worry"I said and kissed her lips and then they was a knock at the door I pulled away from the kiss

"You stay in bed I'll be with you later...jack and joe are here"I said and I got up and ran downstairs and answered the door

"Alright Mate"joe said giving me a high five and pulled me in for a Bro hug jack just wondered in and into the kitchen

"Where Evie?"jack asked grabbing a drink from the fridge

"Upstairs she hasn't been feeling good so I said I'd get the baby crb built and maybe some other things that need building"I said

"You want a drink joe?"jack asked

"Nah I'm good"joe said and then it was silent and I could hear Evie throwing up again I closed my eyes feeling sorry for her

"One second"I said running upstairs calling her name and she was throwing up I held her long brownish blonde hair back and rubbed her back gently and eventually she stopped she sighed...Bless her she flushed the toilet and I let her stand up and she looked at me and rested her head on my chest

"Your Alright"I said and she stopped resting her head against my chest

"I'm going to bed"she said I nodded and said it's for the best

"Conor! Jack broke something!"I hear joe yell

"Mate! You did!"jack argued back I could hear there childish bickering from downstairs Evie sighed

"I'll deal with them baby"I said placing a kiss on her temple and she moaned in pain and went in our bedroom I went downstairs to find them in the baby room

"What have you done"I said to jack

"I didn't do anything!"he said raising his voice I told him to shush

"Shut the fuck up Evie's sleeping...just what broke"I said they pointed at a part of the crib it was what I was building the other night and then gave up so basically it was fixable

"it's fixable just help me start building it"I said and we started to attempted to build it

Half an hour later...

"So I'm gonna end this live stream thanks for watching and I'll see you guys soon bye"jack said ending his Instagram livestream with us in the background putting together the crib

"Jack you haven't done shit!"joe said

"Yeah I have I got the screwdriver!"He argued back

"That's all you've fucking done"I mumbled under my breath joe laughing

"Oh hello there!"jack said I looked up and he was looking out of the room I hear Evie's sweet painful voice

"Conor the baby keeps kicking"jack said and then carried on talking to Evie

"Joe take a break Mate"I said getting up and seeing Evie

"What's happening?"I said as I nugged my way past jack and to Evie

"The baby keeps kicking"she mumbled

"It's a full of energy this baby"I said and pecked her on the lips

"Wonder where she gets it from"joe joked I laughed

"Conor quite lazy actually"jack said I ignored his comment per usual

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