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*8 years later*

It felt so weird you were now in 8th grade while Colby was in 9th, completely different schools. He was now a freshman and you were afraid to lose him to someone else. Although you guys did ride the same bus, so you got to see him in the morning and afternoon.

First day of school and your already not having it, there are all these kids yelling and screaming to their best friend, 'I'm pretty sure you saw them yesterday' you thought to yourself. You took a quick glance at your schedule for where your locker was and started heading over there. There was 2 locker bays and then hallway lockers.

You rounded the corner to the back stairway hoping it wouldn't be as crowded as the others. This kid was crouched down against the wall, it sounded like he was crying. You didn't want to bother him but you didn't NOT want to bother him. You slowly walked up the narrow staircase and paused right in in front of him. "Hey you okay" you asked handing the strange boy a tissue. He didn't reply right away, he didn't even look up at you. His head in between his knees, his hands resting on his neck. It looked like he was hyperventilating? you went to go sit next to him and keep him company, because you know how it felt, when sometimes your so alone in the world were you cant focus, or do anything. you felt it so many times before.

he grabbed the tissue from your hands after a few minutes, you were wanting to fill that silence with a conversation or maybe something small, but you also didn't want to make anything awkward to where he would never look at you again. it took you a minuete to realize but youve never seen this boys face before. you took a quick glance over to catch as many facial features as possible. his eyes were brown, but in a weird way mysterious cute way, just looking at them gave you anxiety. you tried to look away but you couldn't. he had dimples even when he wasn't smiling his hair fell perfectly over his face and to top that off he was wearing a red beanie. it brought every perfection in his face. "uh, hello?" his voice was a mix of funny, and hot at the same time. the sound of his voice brought you back to reality.

"oh uh, I'm y/n" you stuttered looking down at your feet. his eyes were still read and he was still breathing pretty heavy.

"I'm Jake, nice to meet you but i better get going. i still have have to find my locker." he said looking at his schedule with a confused look, i decided to look at mine as well and try to figure out which way it would be. "whats your locker number?" he asked while still looking down on his sheet of paper

"L230, what about you?" you looked at him with a nice gentle smile 'i might have just made myself a friend' you thought to yourself.

"L228, i guess were going to be locker buddies" he said with a sigh, maybe it was a happy sigh if that even existed. you both walked in the the direction toward the L lockers, both assuming it was in a locker bay. it took you awhile to find your guy's locker but when you did the 5 minute bell rang as a warning for people to get to class, you quickly tried to open your locker but kept failing. on your 5th try Jake cut in and started opening your locker for you, he opened it on the first try assuming he saw your locker combo on your sheet.

"uh, thanks" you put your lunch and binders into your locker except for the ones that you needed for first period.

"what class do you have?" he asked leaning on his closed locker giving you a smirk. you looked down and realised that you had English first, you told him you had English with Mr Kepler, and he replied with a smile, "same" you looked at him unsure if he was telling the truth or not. the funny thing was our class was on the other side of the school in the English department with less then a minute to get to class.

you both ended up running in order to get there on time, you could here the music playing on the loud speaker as a warning to get to class, the music usually meant 30 seconds until the bell rings. you could see your teacher standing in his door way, he greeted you two nicely as you approached the classroom "hello! I'm Mr Kepler you must be y/f/n y/l/n and Jake Webber?" you both nodded in response you didn't know if Jake was as nervous as you were right now but you were biting your lips and fiddling with your hair (something you do when your scared or nervous). "well please grab a seat, but don't make yourself comfortable because if you choose wrongly then i might have to move you two"

you walked into the class and saw everyone's eyes on you and Jake, some you recognized from last year and some were completely new people. there was only two open seats and they were both next to each other in the way back, you weren't complaining but you didn't completely like the whole idea. you took a quick glance at Jake who was eyeing you, he turned away quickly and he began to blush bright red. you let out a giggle and turned to face the teacher who was trying to start class.

AHH I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED!! I might have got writers block in the middle of the whole thing so please don't hate me if its a little messy :) It took me awhile to finish this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy! Next chapter will be exciting, im sorry but there is going to be a lot of time jumps probably until chapter 5... Anywhoo... Tysm for all the new followers I have gained from this book!!

-Kylie L 💕

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