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Beauty is far from wisdom, they are two different word but a lady can have both. That it is why some ladies are addressed as a beauty with brains, more like a complete package.

         Beauty is defined from The physical aspect, when someone or something looking pleasing in the eyes, it is described as been/being beautiful. Some people can also be described as having a beautiful soul, this is when a person is naturally morally upright, nice or kind. Or such person is born as a good, selfless being.

But wisdom is when a person/people are naturally smart. They don't need to read a book to know what to do, they just know what to do.

     I am beautifully made, I know this not because when I enter a room all eyes are on me but because i know so.
Any one who needs a person to tell them they are beautiful, will always do anything to please people as they seek attention.
But you don't need that, cause no one is actually ugly. We are all unique in our own way.

Tunde sudden attitude made me wonder what was wrong with me.
I cried my eyes out, feeling ugly and rejected. But then I realised, I still have my world together and we weren't even dating. So I didn't really lose anything.
   If there should be any one losing something, it should be him. He should be the one crying over the diamond he lost while searching for stones.
If he didn't realise it now, he would soon.

"Miss Agwu."
Miss Rose called while she tapped my shoulder, as she brought me back to life.
I realised I haven't even been paying attention to the explanation she had been giving on how to decorate your cake with icing.

     I had the whole class staring at me, for wasting their time. In this classroom, we had no chair. Meaning no one is required to sit down, we will all be busy preparing one thing or the other.

We had separate group, am actually in group A. The class had been separated in 20 student each in the different group, from group A-F.

The different groups will tell how good you are, group A are the best set but F have a lot learning to do.

I had to work my way up to the greatest stage.

Well I was once in group F but I practiced and I never gave up on myself and my dream and now am qualified to follow my bosses to different event they were required to cook for.

the level of this catering school reaches 6 stages and I am in level 4. 

2 more level to go and am out of here seeking greener pasture, working in big companies as I am declared by the president of different country as the world greatest chef.

     My dreams are big, but I wouldn't give up until I make the headlines as I am declared by the president of the United State of America, Russia, Nigeria, France, South Africa, South Korea, England etc. As the world greatest chef.

"You blacked out, are you okay."
Miss Rose asked again,
She or any one in the room didn't know how much I wanted someone to ask me that.
     'Are you okay.'
Even my own mother knew how much I had been down with my own sorrow and worries, but never asked if I was okay.

I paused knowing how painful it was to lie about being alright when you aren't.

"Sorry about that, it wouldn't happen again."

I said as I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead with the back of my hand.
"Good," she signed as she continued with her lecture before allowing us to practice on our own.

I did my best concentrating but I couldn't and my decoration turned into a total destruction as it waved into a form I didn't even know was possible.

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