Amber Stone is a seventeen-year-old girl who is unobservant and has everything she has ever wanted in life, a boyfriend that loves her, and her own family. Could life get any better than this.
Her boyfriend dumped her for his own cousin and s...
Here is the second chapter I hope you somewhat enjoy reading it :)
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."-Maya Angelou
o n e | Monkey boxers
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I wake up snuggled up in my bed sheets while the overwhelming smell of bacon fills my nose. That sure was enough to get me out of bed only to find that I had fallen asleep last night while watching Vampire Diries huh i was that tied.
I get out of my bed and make my way over to my closet to get dressed. I throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a plain grey sweater. Grabbing my backpack i start to head downstairs when i casually see Brian my amazing brother please note my sarcasm at the end of the hall dancing in his monkey boxers boys. I put my fist in my mouth to keep myself from bursting out in laighter and as I am about to tell him to put pants on i just settle on taking a picture of him thinking i could use that agenst him or maybe even show his future girfriend i know i am an evil sister.
I finish making my way down the grand stairs and plop myself down in a seat at the counter and pull out my phone to look at the picture i had taken of my brother a while ago and i try to contain my laughter.
As i am stuffing my face with my breakfast while my mom leaves to go upstairs my brother finally decides to come down but this time with pants on which makes me smile just a tiny bit.
"Hey sis" he says as he plops down in the seat next to me.
"Hey lil bro" i grin but then lean closer to him and whisper "I like the monkey boxers your wearing, upping your game are you now?" I lean back smirking while his face just looses all shades of color which I actully find very funny to watch.
"H-How do you know that?" he asks still very shocked.
"What if i told you your dancing skills have gotten better but please next time you dance do us all a favor and put pants on" i pat him on the shoulder as I get up to put my plate away.
"What are you t- oh!" his eyes widen and i can't help but giggle at his embaressment score!
"Okay but you can not tell anyone about this got it Amburger" he says with his finger pointed at me.
I put my hands up in defence, "Okay i won't tell anyone, my lips are sealed" I make a zipping motion over my lips with my fingers.
He then just nods and goes to the kitchen to get his own breakfast while i finish up mine and then head back up to my room. I look down at my phone to see the time that reads 6:53 okay i still have 15 minutes to spare before i have to get to school so i pull out my physics textbook to do some last minute studying for that test i have today.