thirty nine

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taehyung had agreed, after a lot of insistance from yoongi, to stay at his house until jimin would come back.

he had prepared bags with all of the stuff he needed and were now waiting for his boyfriend to come pick him up.

it was the week end so they would have time to get used to the other's constant presence.

yoongi came rather quickly, he knew taehyung would be impatient so he woke up early to pick him up.

after pecking his lips lovingly, he helped him to carry his bags and to check if he didn't forget anything important, sure they didn't live that far away from each other, but they didn't want to drive for four hours just to grab an underwear.

they arrived at yoongi's home and he was acting quite strangely.

"hum.. d-do you want to have your own bedroom or do you want to stay in m-mine?" he asked in a small voice, without looking into taehyung's amused eyes.

the younger dropped his bag and bear hugged him. "why do you sound so nervous yoongi-ah? we've slept in the same bed so many times already!" he laughed and booped his small nose.

he took back his bags and went to yoongi's room to put them down and start to unpack. yoongi followed him and replied "i-it's like you're moving in and it's making me nervous.. i really don't want to make something wrong i've never lived with someone except for my parents before you know.." he pouted.

taehyung smiled while putting his clothes in the space yoongi had made for him. "it's okey yoongi, don't worry about anything you're already too sweet to let me stay with you!"

after he had unpacked his stuff, they stayed in yoongi's room to work on their tattoo project.

yoongi was done with his part so he was just watching over taehyung coloring his lion to check if he could tattoo it well or not, which actually consisted in taehyung sitting on his lap and yoongi distracting him with kisses and bites.

they were on his bed, yoongi laying down on his back and scratching taehyung's back soothingly while he was still coloring when they heard a noise coming from downstairs.

taehyung's head shot up and he looked back at yoongi who chuckled and said "sorry angel i forgot to tell you, i'm keeping kitty." taehyung rolled his eyes when he understood he got scared once again by the cat, and he then realized he loved cats so he had to go downstairs pet it, it was an obligation.

he smiled widely and ran down the stairs to actually find the smallest kitten ever. he cooed and approached her slowly so he wouldn't scare her.

he picked her up in his arms and kissed her tiny head.

"she isn't that scary right?" he heard yoongi asked so he glared at him, but it only made the older laugh.

"i'm gonna cook something then we can eat while watching a movie?" yoongi asked and taehyung nodded excitedly.

they ate the really good food yoongi had prepared under a fluffy plaid and watching an action movie taehyung didn't know the name of, but he really enjoyed it.

after being done with his plate, he put it down on the small table and snuggled up to his boyfriend before kitty jumped up on him.

the tiny cat purred and rubbed her face on taehyung's hands and jaw to catch his attention.

the blond male started to pet her and made her purr louder. she lied down in a small ball on his lap, her head almost hidden between her legs.

"she really likes you! i can't even pet her without getting a scratch!" yoongi said and pouted.

taehyung looked up at him and his eyes lit up when he looked in his cat-like eyes. "yeah i was told i attract kittens.." he smirked when the older boy tilted his head in incomprehension.

"why are you looking at me like that? you're the kitten here!" he exclaimed and pecked taehyung's lips with a smile.

"you look like a kitty." taehyung said and went back to petting the actual kitten.

"now do i?"

"yeah you do! look at your eyes! they have a really special shape which reminds me of cat eyes. and your small nose and pouty pink lips! you're a kitty yoonie!"

the black haired male smiled widely when he heard a nickname come out of his boyfriend's lips, but he didn't mention it.

"i hope it's a good thing then." he said and taehyung looked back at him.

"you're handsome yoongi, like, so so handsome!" he smiled so much that his eyes almost disappeared.

yoongi hugged him tightly and realized how much he loved the blond boy, how happy he was making him just by existing and being himself.

they stayed in their chill cuddle position until the movie ended and went to yoongi's room.

taehyung took care of the small kitten while yoongi was taking a refreshing shower and then went to bed to wait for him.

he nuzzled his face in his bare chest when he slipped under the covers. yoongi just stroked his blond locks and pecked his head before whispering "i like when you call me yoonie you know? i mean, kitten and kitty is cute but no."

taehyung giggled lightly and looked up to him. "i thought you didn't hear it. i like yoonie too.. it's not that special but-"

"it is to me, that's what counts peach. i love you."

taehyung hid his blushing face in yoongi's chest again and whispered back "i love you too. i'm happy to stay here for a whole month with you.."

but little did he know he would leave much before one month had passed.

the angst is : coming. :) i know you love me

tattooed - TAEGI - completed Where stories live. Discover now